A Land of Shadows and Moss

The Dandelion Chronicles Book 1

Fiction - Fantasy - Epic
488 Pages
Reviewed on 10/04/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Ruffina Oserio for Readers' Favorite

A.S.R. Gelpi’s A Land of Shadows and Moss is a captivating opening to The Dandelion Chronicles, a book packed with adventure, an immersive fantasy world, and phenomenal conflict. Set in the Zahari Empire, the story follows twelve-year-old Princess Kharis, a uniquely young Djinnshirukh burdened with the volatile essence of a fire-demon king. She has the unique gift of housing a fire demon, which was never given to one so young. Her sister, Saya, acts as a shield, helping her control the power of her magic. While Prince Rawiri guides the sisters, a Zahari general who covets Kharis's power might spell doom. Can Kharis contain the power within her, or will she unleash it and see everything burn to ashes?

A Land of Shadows and Moss is original in almost everything—the concept that drives the conflict, the world-building, the characters, and the plot points. The characters are spectacular, especially Kharis, wrestling with the duality of her powers and the grim fate they herald—madness or execution. A.S.R. Gelpi deftly explores her internal struggles, particularly through her relationships with her warm-hearted sister Saya and Prince Rawiri. Their dynamic is a highlight, grounding Kharis's tumultuous journey and offering moments of calm amidst the dark turn of events. The novel excels at presenting moral dilemmas, especially as Kharis struggles with her anger and burgeoning powers that threaten to harm those she loves. The world-building is meticulous as the author introduces readers to powerful magic, incredible creatures, and unforgettable characters. The prose is a delight punctuated by dazzling dialogues and descriptive passages that evoke compelling imagery. It is a beautiful treat for fans of fantasy.