A Letter of Hope

Young Adult - Religious Theme
180 Pages
Reviewed on 10/21/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Frank Mutuma for Readers' Favorite

In A Letter of Hope by Philip Delizio, Kim is a good girl who feels called by God to do more. Not knowing where to start, she gets advice from her father, who refers her to Pastor Michael. The pastor is a compassionate individual. The pastor tells Kim of a program where one can sponsor a poor child to meet their basic needs. After getting more information, Kim is ready to sponsor Sarita from Brazil. After brainstorming with the pastor, various ideas are discussed on how to raise funds for this girl, who has given Kim hope despite facing so many challenges. The first fundraiser was a success, and subsequent ones followed, not just to help Sarita but also her family and eventually something that could help the entire community. Will Kim ever meet Sarita?

A Letter of Hope by Philip Delizio is wonderfully written and will get you thinking about the power of taking the initiative. Sarita takes a step and does something great for someone in need. This thought-provoking work also got me thinking about the importance of living in a community with kind people who are ready to help each other. The characters were well-developed, and Philip ensured various themes covered issues and messages that will resonate with many audiences. The seamless flow of the plot leaves no room for confusion and makes the book effective in passing on the intended message. The reader will also appreciate the excellent narration, which adds to the overall beauty of this work. I am looking forward to reading something else by this author.