A Map of the Edge

Coming of Age in the Sixties (The Isaak Collection)

Fiction - Literary
395 Pages
Reviewed on 09/19/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

A Map of the Edge: Coming of Age in the Sixties by David T. Isaak is a literary fiction novel set in 1969 Southern California. It follows Rick Leibnitz, a fifteen-year-old boy abandoned by his mother and left in the care of an abusive father. After a stint in juvenile detention, Rick befriends free-spirited Lincoln Ellard. Together, they embark on a journey of psychedelics, music, and self-discovery, fueled by drugs and the countercultural ethos of the 1960s. However, as the dangers of their lifestyle catch up with them, Rick faces the challenge of breaking free and starting anew. The author does a beautiful job of capturing the struggles and confusion of adolescence in an honest narrative voice, making Rick’s journey feel raw and relatable as he grapples with identity, survival, and independence in a world that’s constantly changing around him.

In terms of setting, the spirit of the 1960s is well and truly alive from cover to cover for full immersion, from the allure of free love and the experience of psychedelics to the darker side of rebellion. Readers see everything from the wide-eyed wonder of a young man seeking hedonism and growth through his experiences. David T. Isaak holds nothing back regarding Rick’s desires but always relates readers to the emotional and psychological fallout of these moments so one can see how they become formative in the next phase of his journey. Through Rick’s tumultuous experiences, Isaak delivers intelligent introspection on themes of trauma, friendship, and self-destruction, creating a resonant narrative that explores the cost of survival and never leaves readers lacking an explanation. Overall, A Map of the Edge is a bold and well-penned work that offers a lot of thrills and cautionary tales. Highly recommended to fans of literary, character-driven fiction packed with nostalgia and heart.