A Million Miles from Yesterday

Fiction - Drama
194 Pages
Reviewed on 05/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Alma Boucher for Readers' Favorite

A Million Miles from Yesterday by Maureen Connolly follows the story of Hank Cleary, the town doctor in Alma, Wisconsin. After losing his wife, Hank found solace in frequenting Livy’s Café just before closing time. Livy, nearing forty years old, was longing to become a mother. Over time, the relationship between Hank and Livy has progressed so much so that Hank suggests to her that she try to get pregnant naturally with someone closer to home. Silent Margaret supported Rufus’s love for painting by lending him books of paintings. On her way home, Silent Margaret noticed smoke billowing from the recycling facility. She dragged Rufus out and went back inside for his paintings. But Hank was unable to resuscitate Margaret and was overwhelmed by the haunting memories of his inability to save his late wife.

A Million Miles from Yesterday by Maureen Connolly is a rollercoaster ride of emotions, drama, struggles, hope, and care for each other. A variety of plots were woven together in this unique and interesting story. The writing style was informal and easy to read. The chapters flowed together and complemented each other. The residents and their way of life in the small town were original and justified. Each realistic character in the story had a unique background and reason for being in Alma. The plot was centered on Hank, and, with his wanderings, I met and got to know the other characters well. The story was masterfully written and was much more than I expected.