A Royal's Pursuit

The Royal Gordanos Book 2

Romance - Paranormal
376 Pages
Reviewed on 05/17/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Romuald Dzemo for Readers' Favorite

Makayla Roberts’ A Royal's Pursuit, the second installment in The Royal Gordanos series, blends paranormal romance and high-stakes adventure to deliver an engaging, delightful read. Lucian is a dedicated brother on a mission to find a mythical siren whose healing voice could save his sibling. His quest, however, becomes complicated when he meets Siovon, a woman whose beauty and fiery spirit rekindle desires he believed long extinguished. Lucian’s sense of duty and loyalty to family become the central theme in this mesmerizing tale filled with emotional tension. While he fights to save his brother, he is distracted by his attraction to Siovon. Can he strike a balance between loyalty and love, and embrace the woman whose presence stirs currents in his life while finding the answer to his brother’s struggles?

Siovon was one of my favorite characters. Her decade-long captivity has hardened her resolve to protect her sister at all costs, even if it means striking a dangerous deal with Lucian. The chemistry between them is electric, with every touch and glance heightening the stakes of their budding romance. Roberts is a master storyteller and a gifted writer who creates phenomenal and believable characters. Trust is a cleverly developed recurrent theme. The author makes readers think about it, wanting to know how far the key characters can trust each other. The suspense is imagined and built around trust. The concept of true mates is brilliantly explored in the complicated, twisty plot. A powerful bond binds Lucian and Siovon together, but can they reconcile love with duty? A Royal's Pursuit is a thrilling journey of love, trust, and sacrifice set against paranormal intrigue. Makayla Roberts’ nuanced characters and evocative writing ensure that readers are thoroughly engaged. Paranormal romance fans will find this novel a satisfying and emotionally charged read. They will finish the story and will crave the next book, thanks to impeccable character development and exquisite writing.