A Story About a Father & Son

Two Points of View. One Story.

Children - General
55 Pages
Reviewed on 07/23/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Bruce Arrington for Readers' Favorite

A Story About a Father & Son: Two Points of View, One Story by Sachiko Otohata and Brendyn Zachary is a powerful coming-of-age story, a grown-up story, and yes, partly a children’s tale as well. This unique book weaves together the perspectives of a father who loves his son, beginning at birth and continuing until the child has his own children. It then flips the story upside-down, giving the child's perspective and how he felt about his father during those formative years. A good word to sum this all up would be, “Wow.” I am a father and now a grandfather, so I have been on both sides of these tales. It reminds me of when my dad took me fishing, and then again when I went fishing with my son.

A book like this is essential because it explores the deep-rooted bonds between a father and son which last a lifetime and can continue for generations if done right. The artwork is superb, using the right colors and making every picture pop. The pictures convey the intended emotion of each page, carrying the story along with the words. This book will appeal to those who are looking for a children’s picture book, and also to those who are open to seeing how the relationship between a father and son can be constructive, productive, and supportive as well. A Story About a Father & Son by Sachiko Otohata and Brendyn Zachary reminds us how much we need each other, and how the bonds of family can last many lifetimes. Highly recommended.