A Suitable Fortune (Lords & Ladies of Mayfair Book 7)

Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
303 Pages
Reviewed on 08/01/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Stephanie Lynn for Readers' Favorite

A Suitable Fortune by Laura Beers, the seventh installment in the Lords and Ladies of Mayfair series, takes a dedicated teacher and a war-weary earl on an unexpected journey in an elegant tale of friendship and mystery. When Miss Emilia Hembry finds herself present at the reading of a will for a wealthy lord, her life changes overnight. Now, as the recipient of a sizable fortune, she finds that not only has her living situation changed, but also her very identity. When she is forced to learn the ways of London high society overnight as the new Lady Sutherland, she is blessed to find friends in Lady Anette and Lord Chatsworth. The question remains, will her newfound friends be enough to help her win over the ton, avoiding ruination before she has even begun? With hidden enemies and spies lurking about, things are about to get interesting for this unlikely pair.

A Suitable Fortune by Laura Beers is such a fun read. I quickly fell in love with the cast. I was especially thrilled to find out about Emilia and Anette's friendship. I've been fond of Anette and her eccentric personality from the start of the series and I loved seeing her take Emilia under her wing in this book. They make for quite an interesting pair and never lack amusing topics to discuss. Lord Chatsworth is another endearing character, and I enjoyed the glimpse into his espionage exploits along the way. The love blooming between Emilia and Lord Chatsworth brings its own set of challenges, and I loved the slow-burn approach used here. The friends-to-more romance was a nice touch and made the unfolding love story all the more precious. A Suitable Fortune is well written and sure to please fans. With themes of friendship, family, and finding one's path in life, the story kept me reading well into the night. The mysteries kept me guessing, and I absolutely loved the banter between the characters. Overall, this is a wonderful story and I'm so happy to have read another in this delightful series.