A Woodland Dance Party

Children - Grade K-3rd
38 Pages
Reviewed on 06/23/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Emma Megan for Readers' Favorite

A Woodland Dance Party by Kendal Grey is an interesting children's picture book that follows a princess and a forest yeti who have the same interests. They both like listening to music on vinyl records and reading. But the princess's parents are very strict and don't like music on vinyl records. When they first met, the yeti was living alone in his treehouse on the edge of a magical redwood forest, and the princess was meditating beneath his treehouse. The princess wasn't afraid of the yeti, and after spending time together and sharing opinions on different subjects, the yeti and the princess became best friends. The princess was happy to finally be her true, authentic self. But her parents still wanted her to fulfill her duties and threw a party for her. Did the princess have fun at the party without the yeti? Have the guests accepted her for what she likes or do they consider her weird? 

A Woodland Dance Party is a remarkable story of unlikely friendship, acceptance, identity, friendships, inclusivity, and the love for 80s and 90s music on vinyl records. It encourages young readers to believe in their own uniqueness, passions, and true, authentic selves. It teaches them the importance of embracing who they are. Kendal Grey's wonderful book inspires you to let your authenticity shine to attract others who are just as unique or to effect positive change in people who don't yet understand or accept the way you are. Parents can now empower their children with this sweet book, gorgeously illustrated by Liz Emirzian, about the importance of having an open heart and mind toward all living beings.