Abby and Liam and the Snowball Adventure

Children - Picture Book
24 Pages
Reviewed on 10/24/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Marie-Hélène Fasquel for Readers' Favorite

Abby and Liam and the Snowball Adventure by Kristen Puma is a delightful tale centered on the imaginative exploits of two siblings, Abby and Liam. Their parents set out to entertain them by building two snowmen, one made by the children and the other by their parents. What begins as a simple and traditional family activity quickly transforms into an epic story in which the snowmen come to life, growing increasingly larger as the family attempts to fend them off. This storybook is both educational and entertaining. It imparts valuable lessons to young readers. It beautifully illustrates the importance of collaboration and teamwork; the parents would not have triumphed without the creativity and assistance of their children.

Abby and Liam and the Snowball Adventure by Kristen Puma emphasizes that kindness and generosity can lead to unexpected results. Instead of preparing four cups of cocoa for each family member, they make six and offer one to each snowman, a seemingly small gesture that ultimately leads to the downfall of the snowmen who cannot drink hot chocolate without melting away. The whimsical adventure of Abby and Liam as they engage in a playful snowball fight with the animated snowmen sets this story apart from more traditional winter tales. As a teacher, I love books that mix entertainment and learning. They are so precious and allow us, parents and teachers, to teach in a fun and creative way. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and highly recommend it to anyone looking for a charming and refreshing addition to their winter reading list!

Pikasho Deka

Abby and Liam and the Snowball Adventure is a children's adventure story by Kristen Puma. Abby and Liam are young siblings who love adventures and use their imaginations to play games. Now that it's winter, Abby and Liam, along with their parents and their family dog, go outside to build a snowman. They end up making two snowmen with the help of their father. Using their imaginations, the brother and the sister see the snowmen come alive, and soon, a snowball fight ensues. As the game goes on, the snowmen become bigger and bigger. Seeing the children are tired, their mom brings some hot cocoa as refreshment, which also has an unforeseen effect. After the snowmen are offered the hot chocolate, they start to melt right before their eyes!

For adventure-loving kids, Abby and Liam and the Snowball Adventure is a captivating picture book bound to stimulate their imaginations and entertain them along the way. Author Kristen Puma uses catchy rhymes to tell a delightful tale about two kids spending family time with their parents on a snowy winter day. Aaron R's illustrations breathe life into the characters with vibrant colors that bring their personalities alive on the pages. Abby and Liam are a wonderful sibling duo. Kids will find them easy to relate to and might see aspects of their own personalities in the siblings as they follow the adventures. This book is a perfect bedtime story that parents can read to their young children. Overall, a fun-filled picture book for readers below the age of seven!

Kathy Golden

Abby and Liam and the Snowball Adventure by Kristen Puma is a wonderful adventure story that involves the whole family. After gazing longingly out the window, Abby and her brother, Liam, decide to go outside and take advantage of a beautiful deep blanket of fallen snow. Excited by the idea, their mother and father join them, and they all choose to make snowmen. Once they have made them, something magical, fun, and definitely challenging takes place. Abby and her family must test their wits against their newly-created guests who have some unexpected twists of their own.

Abby and Liam and the Snowball Adventure by Kristen Puma is colorfully illustrated by Aaron R. His drawings have such an “up north” ambiance to them. It’s thrilling to see the images of the neighborhood’s houses and trees heavy with snow. You can practically feel the chill and imagine your own puffing breaths of cold air. I found the adventure with Abby and Liam, their parents, and the snowmen to have a unique flavor and attitude. One of the things I liked best about this story is that it involves the whole family. It shows children who enjoy playing games and having fun with their parents and parents who feel the same way about doing such things with their children. From start to finish, the whole family is a team. I found this aspect to be quite refreshing in a children’s story. Thank you, Kristen Puma, for your entertaining, family-oriented book.