Adventure on Christmas Street

Children - Grade K-3rd
28 Pages
Reviewed on 10/20/2024
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Author Biography

Kristina Raevsky is a highly acclaimed five-time author. She has always loved writing, but what set her book publishing journey into motion was the COVID lockdowns. With all the extra time on her hands from remote learning, Kristina published her first book, "Fly Me to the Moon and Other Stories," in 2021 at age 11. “I’m so proud of this book because when life gave me lemons, I was able to make lemonade,” says Kristina of her first book. It became a great success, serving as an inspiration to other children.
When Kristina was just 10 years old, "Adventure on Christmas Street" started out with a fluffy notebook and some sparkly pens. Four years and four published books later, Kristina decided to return to "Adventure on Christmas Street" to spread a message of kindness and friendship. Christmas is Kristina's favorite time of the year and the perfect setting for this children’s book as it is when we focus on our roots—family, friends, and the joy of life.
Kristina's mission is to encourage children to read, write and follow their passions.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne-Marie Reynolds for Readers' Favorite

In Adventure on Christmas Street, a children's picture book by Kristina Raevsky, Christmas is nearly here, but not everyone on Christmas Street is looking forward to it. On her way home from the library, Holly runs into an evil snowman who chases her down the street. The snowman doesn't stop there, though. When Holly finds him upsetting the Gingerbread girl, she decides she has to do something to stop the snowman. What will Holly do? Will her plan work, or will she decide to take a different approach?

Adventure on Christmas Street by Kristina Raevsky is a lovely holiday story for children with some stunning illustrations by Dileema Medonza. This is a fun story with lots of action and an exciting plot for kids to follow, but it's also an educational story. It teaches children lots of different mathematical and scientific concepts, including what happens when snow melts, but it also teaches them that kindness can have a huge impact on people. Even the smallest act of kindness can turn a person's life around for the better. It also teaches youngsters about the value of friendship. Kristina has created some lovely characters, each with a unique personality, and I'm sure many readers will see themselves in at least one of them. The book ends with a few questions to help the young reader understand the story and what they got from it. This amazing story is written by a young teen author and is one that kids the world over will enjoy and learn from. And it's not just a story for Christmas, either – kindness is needed the whole year around.

Catherine W.

This was a delight to read to my two kids who are 5 and 8 years old. The book is beatiful from its message of kindness to the colorful and "very cute illustrations" as my daughter said. My kids loved it and I also loved the educatioal aspect imbedded into it. I have not come across a children's picture book that would include some math and science concepts in such a fun way that my kids were asking questions and we had a good discussion about it. The discussion questions at the end were great and very useful. When I read the About the Author part at the end of the book and saw this was written by a child, I was honestly blown away and then it made sense to me why this book was so different from all the other children's books my kids have ever read and why they loved it so much, because it was written from a child's perspective. Great job!