Akin to the Truth

A Memoir of Adoption and Identity

Non-Fiction - Memoir
258 Pages
Reviewed on 01/13/2015
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Author Biography

Paige is a teacher ,writer and adoptee from Cincinnati, OH. She is married with two daughters. In 1987-88 she reunited with her biological family.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Teodora Totorean for Readers' Favorite

Akin to the Truth: A Memoir of Adoption and Identity by Paige L. Adams Strickland is a memoir and a coming of age book, covering the first part of the author’s life from childhood to adulthood. As she had known from an early age that she was adopted, the book concentrates mainly around identity. It shows how Strickland was constantly trying to find her place in the world as part of her adoptive family, as well as by starting to know and learn about her biological family. The story is laid out chronologically, recalling facts surrounding family life, school and friendship, and the impact they had on her inner world and feelings. The book is populated with many characters, from family members and friends to teachers and neighbors. They all had a role in the author’s life, contributing to her formative years, shaping her values and beliefs. The book captures beautifully how an insecure little girl, once ashamed of her secret, metamorphosed into a confident young woman and wife with her own personality and identity.

Akin to the Truth: A Memoir of Adoption and Identity by Paige L. Adams Strickland is beautifully written and easy to read. Strickland is a story teller, keeping the audience interested throughout. It reveals the inner feelings of the main character in a manner that is not invasive but lyrical. She manages to capture the right state of mind for each age. Even though the main issue is adoption and how the adoptee status affected the author’s life, the book is relatable to anyone who grew up being different, one way or another. As for portraying family life, school ordeals and finding, losing and keeping friendships – this is something universal that everybody has experienced at some point in their lives.