Anxiety to Ahh-mazing in 60 Days

Transforming Stress, Anxiety and Anger into Sustainable Happiness

Non-Fiction - Self Help
382 Pages
Reviewed on 07/21/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

What drives us to anger? Why do we feel the presence of self-doubt, stress, and anxiety in our lives? Find the answers to some of these questions with Anxiety to Ahh-mazing in 60 Days. In this book, Dr. Harry Somaraju delves deep into the triggers of anger and the connection between negative emotions, anxiety, and fear. Taking inspiration from the teachings of the Buddha and Stoic philosophy, Dr. Somaraju offers a transformative path to peace and happiness through his Holistic Approach to Sustainable Happiness in 60 days (HASH60). Using this approach, you will find easier ways to deal with anxiety and stress with the help of stoic exercises, meditation, and journaling. Dr. Somaraju also argues that suffering is a part of life and encourages readers to follow the Noble Eight-Fold Path to alleviate pain and suffering.

With increasingly busy schedules and the rigors of city living, books like Anxiety to Ahh-amazing in 60 Days are a must-have for any working professional. Using lessons from ancient religious teachings and contemporary philosophers alike, Dr. Harry Somaraju provides valuable insights into living a fulfilling life with meaning and purpose, packaged together neatly in his own HASH60 framework. The author also emphasizes the importance of practicing patience, kindness, and mindfulness and shows you how to build character through integrity and humility, identify one's core values, acquire self-mastery by aligning habits with core values, find contentment in the present, and much more. In conclusion, I found the book very informative and inspirational, and I highly recommend it to readers looking for answers.