Back to GOD, Away from Religion

The ‘Joycentrix’ Way A Joyful Alternative to Organized Religions

Non-Fiction - Religion/Philosophy
275 Pages
Reviewed on 08/06/2022
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Author Biography

What inspired me to write this book:

From a very young age I have always had controversial questions about God, Religion, and about Living Happily in this World.

However, no satisfactory answers were forthcoming from either my Parents or my Teachers at school, or from the writings of the sages and gurus!

Most of my questions were stonewalled with a "Just accept it, don't question it! If it is good enough for your grandparents, it is good enough for you! God will punish you if you keep asking such questions! Etc."

Finally, when I was a teenager, I realized that these people could not answer satisfactorily, because they themselves did not know! But I sincerely wanted to know, and so continued to search for the Truth in books, seminars, and especially by deep introspection.

After about six decades, I believe I have found some answers, and these are what I share in my latest book "Back to GOD, Away from Religion".

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    Book Review

Reviewed by Alex Ndirangu for Readers' Favorite

A remarkable man who has spent over 60 years pondering and seeking universal truths guides us on a soul-searching journey in Back to GOD, Away from Religion. He has at last found what he was looking for and has made the conscious decision to reveal the profound truth to us through compelling and convincing arguments that provide rational answers to the most challenging and fundamental questions about religion. Religions claim God is compassionate, caring, and forgiving while simultaneously urging us to believe in an arbitrary, judgmental, and vindictive deity. But should we fear God? Does he really punish us when we do wrong and reward us when we do right? Is he vengeful? In his quest to distinguish between religion and our relationship with God, Gopi Menon exposes the flaws in religion that have made humanity victims of fear and manipulation for centuries.

The first thing I admired about this book was Gopi Menon's bravery in writing about a widely confusing and controversial concept and providing an entirely new perspective. Personally, I believe that this was not an easy task, and it is undeniably admirable. My favorite part of the book was when Gopi outlined the practical tips that can be used right away to achieve happiness. One instance is how one could instantly change their mood from being sad and upset to happy. He explains how someone could switch channels and look for a comedy show if they were upset while watching a horror movie. Their attitudes would immediately change as a result, and they might even start laughing aloud at some point. This is just one example of how the aim of this book is to cultivate ultimate reality awareness, the wise application of our free will, and to achieve happiness. Personally, I believe this book is instructive not only in terms of how we can all draw closer to God in a different and simpler way, but also in terms of how we can achieve happy lives, not necessarily through religion, but by looking deep inside and within ourselves. If you're looking for answers to questions about religion that society has never addressed, this book is for you.