Be Good, Stay Strong, Love, Dad

A GenX Dad in a Digital World

Non-Fiction - Memoir
218 Pages
Reviewed on 08/22/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Carol Thompson for Readers' Favorite

Patrick McLaughlin’s memoir, Be Good, Stay Strong, Love, Dad, is a heartfelt, humorous, and unfiltered journey through fatherhood, seen through the eyes of a GenX dad. McLaughlin blends personal anecdotes, sharp reflections, and advice for his two sons. It serves as a survival guide for navigating a world that has shifted dramatically since his childhood. McLaughlin’s use of letters, lyrics, and stories makes the book feel intimate and conversational as if you’re eavesdropping on a personal exchange between a father and his sons.

For GenX readers, Be Good, Stay Strong, Love, Dad is a nostalgic trip down memory lane. Patrick McLaughlin embraces his generation's irreverence and rough edges—full of scars earned from trial and error, without the safety net of digital conveniences. He writes with the unmistakable voice of a protective and brutally honest father, offering his sons lessons learned through his own experiences. This memoir is far from sanitized. It’s full of potty humor, raw language, and unapologetic advice—traits that make McLaughlin’s reflections relatable and genuine. He doesn't sugarcoat fatherhood or the challenges of raising kids in an ever-evolving digital world. Instead, he packages life lessons in a humorous and deeply personal way, drawing from his own chaotic and unconventional upbringing. This relatability is what makes the book so engaging and impactful. You don’t need to be a GenXer to enjoy this book. It’s loaded with laugh-out-loud humor that will entertain anyone. If you’re looking for a great read, look no further. McLaughlin penned a memoir that is a literary masterpiece.

Mansoor Ahmed

Be Good, Stay Strong, Love, Dad by Patrick McLaughlin is a thought-provoking and emotionally appealing set of letters from a father to his sons as they leave for college. The book has elements of memoir, wisdom, and observations about the transition from the author's relaxed childhood to the current world his children grow up in with the help of technology. The letters touch on almost every area of the gradual progression to becoming an adult, to the values that define life, relationships, and the struggle of life as it has evolved throughout the decades. The author provides a unique viewpoint on the difficulties and rewards of raising children in the modern world through his observations on parenting, technology, and the evolving social landscape.

Patrick McLaughlin's writing is simple and insightful. The letters are a major building block of the narrative so the flow and progression are logical. The conversational style is active, and each letter presents a new idea or tip, which helps readers progress through the book being engaged. As I was going through the letters, I often nodded in agreement and even remembered instances from my parenting journey. The author's words are relatable and offer practical advice that can be applied in real-life situations. The author and his sons are cheerful and realistic, and the vulnerability, development, and generation gap issues are clear and authentic. I highly recommend Be Good, Stay Strong, Love, Dad to anyone who wants an appealing, touching, and intergenerational memoir with an added parenting perspective.

Asher Syed

In his memoir Be Good, Stay Strong, Love, Dad, Patrick McLaughlin addresses his sons, Charlie and Mike, through a series of letters that blend practical advice with personal reflections. He contrasts his traditional upbringing with the evolving societal and technological landscape, emphasizing responsibility, honesty, and social awareness. McLaughlin offers detailed guidance on various life aspects, including drinking, and shares personal anecdotes and lessons from historical figures like Ernest Hemingway and Benjamin Franklin. He reflects on generational differences and stresses the importance of resilience, personal happiness, and practical skills like cooking. McLaughlin acknowledges the emotional complexities of parenting and highlights the importance of core values and personal responsibility. He also discusses community issues and the impact of local law enforcement, presenting a balanced view of societal changes and personal growth.

Be Good, Stay Strong, Love, Dad: A GenX Dad in a Digital World is a thoughtful and well-structured quasi-lifestyle guide, with Patrick McLaughlin giving some practical advice based on, and inspired by, fatherhood as a Gen X'er. I liked the letter format, which is rare for me because it's not generally something I enjoy, but Mclaughlin's skillful balance of humor with serious moments, combined with his target audience makes it work. I am also a Gen X father, so there was quite a lot I could relate to, although having been born in its last few years meant the pop culture references were a decade behind my own memories. I connected with his experiences, laughed quite a lot, and even pulled my eye-rolling older daughter over to read some of it out loud. She laughed too—so, instant success on McLaughlin's end with delivery. Overall, this is the book of wisdom and reflection that I didn't know I needed until this moment, and I have no doubt it will have the same impact on others. Long live the latchkey! Very highly recommended.

Frank Mutuma

Be Good, Stay Strong, Love, Dad by Patrick McLaughlin details his life and growing up in the GenX generation that was part of many life-changing events, like war veterans and the uncertainties of the Cold War. But despite this, Patrick notes they still had fun, appreciated the past, and recognized opportunities. It was also a generation that experienced the greatest explosion of digital technology, which greatly influenced their lives. Patrick has two sons, Charlie and Mike. Charlie is the eldest and a good example to Mike. He thinks strategically and knows what to do to achieve what he wants. Mike surprises his parents by joining a military academy. In everything they do, their parents are supportive.

Many people will learn a thing or two from Patrick McLaughlin in Be Good, Stay Strong, Love, Dad on the importance of being free with your children. He correctly observes that children are rarely given the freedom or the responsibility to allow them to grow. I loved how honest he is with his children about things like drinking and how to have fun responsibly. Patrick does not just offer a glimpse into the GenX life but also goes the extra mile to provide valuable wisdom and lessons on various issues. Readers will appreciate his emphasis on hard work, honesty, duty toward oneself and others, and the importance of learning from those who came before us. The unique writing style of incorporating letters also made the book more effective in passing on the intended message. This was an amazing read, and I look forward to reading something else by Patrick.

Doreen Chombu

Be Good, Stay Strong, Love, Dad by Patrick McLaughlin is a heartfelt and humorous collection of life lessons and wisdom shared through letters and emails from a GenX dad to his sons. Reflecting on his experiences and the struggles of fatherhood, McLaughlin offers sarcastic yet poignant advice on topics ranging from responsibility and generosity to the importance of character and self-worth. With digital communication as a backdrop, he addresses modern challenges like college transitions, patriotism, and the complexities of family values, all while mixing in relatable anecdotes, cooking lessons, and shared philosophies that inspire resilience and love in an ever-evolving world. Overall, his book serves as a guide for navigating the complexities of life, aiming to equip his sons with the knowledge they need for a successful future while embracing the flawed beauty of his own upbringing.

Be Good, Stay Strong, Love, Dad is a much-needed resource for anyone who desires to live a life with purpose and virtue. Sadly, most people today do not value morality, hard work, and compassion. Most of the lessons in this book will remind you of the things and people that matter in life. Patrick McLaughlin shares heartfelt narratives from his childhood, his journey with his wife, Autumn, and cherished milestones of their children's growth. In an enriching twist, he invites family members to contribute their philosophies, creating a tapestry of perspectives highlighting the values and experiences that bind them together as a family. With song lyrics and quotes from renowned people, the book is engaging and has a smooth flow. I recommend adding it to your bookshelves to appreciate its profound life lessons.