Before We Move On

Young Adult - Social Issues
278 Pages
Reviewed on 09/21/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Courtnee Turner Hoyle for Readers' Favorite

In Before We Move On, Sally Reiser Simon demonstrates what might happen if we leave our loved ones before we say goodbye. Thirteen-year-old Kiki loves art, drama, and a boy named Jesse. Other than drama camp and stolen moments, they don't really interact, but Jesse's friend, Ralphie, picks up on the chemistry between them. A tragic accident leaves many people in the small town bereft, guilty, and searching for answers. Jesse is still dealing with his parents' deaths and acclimating to his new town and guardian when he loses Kiki. He and Kiki's mom struggle to accept the circumstances and continue with their lives. Kiki's spirit is not settled either, and she has work to do before she can move on. The author provides her reasons for writing the book and supplies book club questions at the end.

Sally Reiser Simon knows how to build characters who will break your heart and inspire you. While you read the tragic scenes as they unfold, you are reminded of the innocence of youth and the way one small moment can destroy a lifetime of chances. At the same time, love and the many ways it can be expressed echo across the pages. As the story is told over a number of years at the turn of the century, many readers may experience nostalgia as they think about their experiences from 1998 to 2002. Grey D' Andrea's images help readers understand the geography of the town and illustrate pivotal moments in the novel. Whether you're a reader who enjoys young adult romances or a member of a book club that likes to share important points, you will love Before We Move On.