Being Safe Online: A Special Place for Friendship Book 1

Understanding Technology, Privacy, and Cyber Safety for Kids and Parents

Children - Educational
36 Pages
Reviewed on 05/27/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Philip Van Heusen for Readers' Favorite

In Being Safe Online: A Special Place for Friendship Book 1 by Olimena J.M. Rovanesi, Hazel and Zoe’s grandmother sent them a tablet to share. As is typical with siblings, the two quickly fight over the time each one has on the shared tablet. Their parents start to enforce time limits because they spend so much time on the internet instead of things they used to enjoy. Instead of watching TV with their parents or playing outside, they wanted to spend all their time on the tablet. The children were limited to one hour per day but could add more time by completing chores. They started doing more and more tasks, and then someone amazing moved in next door. Their new neighbor shared safety tips for being safe on the internet. As your child reads this interesting story, they will learn what is safe and unsafe to do on their tablets or phones.

Olimena J.M. Rovanesi is concerned about internet safety for children and shares this in Being Safe Online, offering tips on how parents can handle how much time a child should spend on their tablet. She also explains how important it is for children to continue to spend time with family, playing outdoors, and spending time with friends. All children need to know the dangers and benefits of using electronics and the internet. This book is a fun way to learn about safety and encourages children to help around the house. Children should also learn that all freedoms have limits and must be earned. One cardinal rule is for a child never to talk with a stranger online. They also should not share personal information, including their name, address, or even the school they attend. We want our children to have fun on the internet, but they also need to be aware of the dangers involved.

Keith Mbuya

Zoe and Hazel are sisters living in a beautiful neighborhood in Chicago. The front porch of their house is the girls’ favorite spot, where they play and wait for their parents to come home from work. One day the girls’ parents come home and announce they have bought them a gift. Thinking it was the usual treat of snacks, the girls are thrilled when they find out the gift is a tablet. However, the girls change as soon as they receive it. They no longer play on the front porch or do anything else apart from using the tablet. Hazel ends up making one big mistake that makes her parents take the tablet away from them. The girls meet Maya, their new neighbor next door, who teaches them a few tricks on how to be safe online. Find out more in Olimena. J. M. Rovanesi’s Being Safe Online: A Special Place for Friendship Book 1 (Understanding Technology, Privacy, and Cyber Safety for Kids and Parents).

Parents, educators, and caregivers using children's picture books and educational books will find Olimena. J. M. Rovanesi’s Being Safe Online is an enthralling read. Olimena brilliantly introduces kids to the topic of online safety and the healthy use of phones and tablets. Living in a world where technology has become part of our daily lives, it is very important to teach kids the importance of online safety and how to practice it. While these devices are meant for educational and entertainment purposes, they can be very unhealthy. Through Hazel and Zoe’s story, young readers are shown just how destructive these devices can be not only to their lives but those of their parents too. The images add color to the story, sparking kids’ imaginations. Olimena’s thoughtful choice of words will enlighten youngsters on the vocabulary associated with the use of phones and tablets, and online safety.

Pikasho Deka

With the advent of smartphones and other gadgets, internet usage has become more accessible than ever for children, bringing new dangers for parents to contend with. Being Safe Online: A Special Place for Friendship Book 1 by Olimena J.M. Rovanesi is a picture book that delves into the issue of cyber security and safe internet usage among children. Zoe, her sister Hazel, and their parents live in a beautiful Chicago neighborhood. One day, Zoe and Hazel receive a tablet as a gift. Their parents soon make it clear that they must use the tablet with scheduled usage timing. However, problems arise when the sisters unwittingly share personal information on the internet and end up buying a plush gamer chair. Now, with their new friend Maya, Zoe and Hazel will learn about the potential dangers of the internet and how to safely circumvent them.

Books like Being Safe Online have become increasingly relevant nowadays. Olimena J.M. Rovanesi has written a captivating tale that shows a realistic depiction of internet usage among children and the challenges that come with it. Using colorful artwork and compelling characters, Rovanesi spins a yarn that is both engaging and educational. The narrative is crisp and concise, as the author doesn't waste a single word and packs a lot of story into a few pages. The sisters have an adorable dynamic, and their friendship with Maya feels genuine and heartfelt. I also enjoyed how Zoe and Hazel's parents handled the problems with their daughters. In conclusion, this is a must-read for parents and their children. So grab a copy and teach your child about cyber security and safe internet usage!

Emily-Jane Hills Orford

All those safety rules we instill in our children: don’t talk to strangers, don’t share personal information, stay with a group of friends, and tell your parents if something doesn’t appear to be right. But there’s so much more to learn about safety in today’s high-technology world. In Olimena J.M. Rovanesi’s Be Safe Online, two sisters, Zoe and Hazel, are given a tablet and allowed to explore the great wide world of the internet. But then things change and Mom and Dad start to grow concerned, especially when strange packages start arriving at their door. It’s time to teach these young girls how to be safe online. After all, it’s not an endless playground of possibilities, and the fun these girls had before their online journey began was much more interesting, but that’s another lesson to learn.

Olimena J.M. Rovanesi’s picture book, Be Safe Online: Understanding Technology, Privacy, and Cyber Safety for Kids and Parents, is the first book in the Special Place for Friendship series. Told in simple language so young readers can easily follow along and improve their reading skills, the plot follows two sisters as they explore a whole new world online. Using the skills of a practical storyteller, the author offers good advice on how to navigate online usage, both for guardians and young people. The illustrations by Tania Ortiz are interesting and engaging and help move the story along. This is a great tool to encourage while at the same time educate readers of all ages on how to use this powerful and invasive tool both effectively and safely.

Shrabastee Chakraborty

Living in Chicago, Zoe and Hazel spend most of their free time playing on the front porch of their beautiful home. After their parents return from work, they spend quality time with the girls. However, the arrival of a tablet seems to change the family dynamics. The sisters are engrossed in the virtual world, neglecting their chores, family time, and study hours. The situation worsens when one of them accidentally places an online order. How will their parents deal with this challenging issue? Find out in Being Safe Online, the first book in A Special Place for Friendship series by Olimena J.M. Rovanesi.

I liked that the book addresses one of the most crucial problems in today’s life. Rovanesi shows how increased screen dependency and unsupervised forays of young kids into the internet might create security issues. The events portrayed in the book mirror something many parents face in real life, ensuring they will appreciate the enormity of the situation. The author offers practical advice regarding online safety and does an admirable job of warning the young audience of the dangers lurking in the virtual world. Rovanesi also includes several activities to keep children occupied and away from the lure of electronic devices. Zoe's and Hazel’s adorable faces and innocence will charm readers. The vibrant illustrations by Tania Ortiz perfectly capture their emotions, reflecting their exuberance upon discovering a portal to a whole new world. Rovanesi also highlights their naiveté in exploring an unfamiliar terrain and the occasional slip-ups. I recommend Being Safe Online to kids aged 3-7 years and their parents.