
Bountiful Book 2

Fiction - Mystery - General
253 Pages
Reviewed on 07/11/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Nino Lobiladze for Readers' Favorite

Star Castillo renovates a house near the cozy town of Bountiful, Oregon, that she unexpectedly inherited from a relative named Beatrice. Star finds old journals that belonged to Beatrice. From these journals, Star learns that a mysterious small box is hidden somewhere in the house. A carpenter named Dave Santoro helps Star with renovations. Dave goes through a challenging time. His brother, Tony, has reached him with shocking news. Dave must make a life-changing decision, and falling in love with Star would be untimely. Yet, their passion for creating art draws them closer to each other. Eleanor hopes to restore a broken connection with her granddaughter, Kat. She comes from England to Bountiful and checks in at the local bed and breakfast owned by Kat's stepmother, Fleur. Belonging by Verna Clay, the second book in the Bountiful series, is a delightful read for mystery, romance, and drama fans.

In Belonging, Verna Clay offers another intriguing mystery to discover in a setting that promises to heal even the most badly wounded souls. Finding our place in life, acceptance, understanding, and forgiveness are the themes of this stirring novel, as are love and self-expression. Verna leaves no stone unturned while studying the characters. In the beginning, Star and Dave are afraid to open their hearts to each other. Verna conveys what they feel very accurately, and we follow the development of their relationship with sympathy and a knowing smile. This fast-paced novel encourages us to open up to inner changes, like the noble Eleanor, who is not afraid to admit her past mistakes, move on, and make a first step toward reconciliation. Beatrice's subplot is bittersweet and has surprising twists and turns. I cannot wait for the next installment in this compelling series.