Between Shadows and Lies

Young Adult - Coming of Age
228 Pages
Reviewed on 08/22/2024
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Author Biography

I enjoy writing mysteries, especially those set during the complicated adolescent years from preteen to eighteen when the protagonist is coming of age. My other interest is inclusivity, so some of my books entail lead characters who are from minority groups or dealing with mental health issues, some of which affect me as well. I wrote this book because it affected my four children and me, who are now grown adults but once spent time hiding out in the casino warehouse where I worked. My daughter, who was eight then, did her best to care for her younger siblings, ages seven, six, and four. She also tried to help with data entry for my part-time job. Those times were impactful and memorable for them. Thank you for taking the time to read about me, and I wish you well in all you do.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Carol Thompson for Readers' Favorite

Between Shadows and Lies by Angela Grey is a young adult narrative set against the backdrop of a tumultuous family dynamic. Inspired by actual events, the novel sheds light on the precarious lives of four siblings who must navigate the dangers posed by their alcoholic father while hiding out in a casino warehouse where their mother works. Hayden Chandler is a fifteen-year-old caught between typical teenage concerns and the heavy burden of family trauma. Grey deftly portrays the contrast between Hayden's once-simple summer plans—running races, attending festivals, and joining archeological digs—and the more sinister task of protecting her siblings from their volatile father.

Between Shadows and Lies provides a vivid depiction of the struggles faced by children in abusive households. The emotional strain, the constant fear, and the pressure to shield others from harm are all palpable. Hayden emerges as a resilient protagonist, forced to grow up too quickly. Her story is poignant and relatable because of the balance between the weighty subject matter and Angela Grey's ability to capture the quieter moments of hope. While the narrative can sometimes feel heavy, given its serious themes, moments of lightness and determination prevent it from becoming overwhelming, making the story engaging and thought-provoking. The personal connection to real-life events lends authenticity to the story, grounding the more dramatic moments in the stark reality that many families face similar struggles. Grey’s writing is so powerful that at times I’d forget I was reading fiction. I highly recommend this novel. It’s worthy of more than five stars.

Pikasho Deka

Inspired by real-life events, Angela Grey's Between Shadows and Lies is a tragic coming-of-age story that follows a fifteen-year-old teenager raised in a broken family. To the outside world, Hayden Chandler is just like any other teen, with friends and school keeping her busy. Little do they know that Hayden, the eldest of four siblings, has a complicated home life with an unhinged alcoholic for a father and a mother who struggles to make ends meet. Despite her mother's attempts, Hayden's father continues to make their life a living hell, to the extent that she has to take the kids on road trips when he threatens to be violent. After her friendship with a boy named Ethan comes to a tragic end, Hayden believes her father is gone for good. But things are not as they seem.

Be ready for heartbreak with Between Shadows and Lies. This riveting drama will catch you unawares and rip your heart out when you're expecting it the least. Based on a true story, Angela Grey presents a terrifyingly realistic portrayal of domestic violence and mental illness that have wrecked many a family around the world. The narrative choice to use a teenager as the main POV is a masterstroke as it offers readers a window to see the way children perceive and react to situations of domestic violence in abusive homes. Grey's characters actually feel like real-life people, and it makes the story even more impactful and emotionally powerful. Honestly, the ending left me speechless. This is an emotional gut-punch of a novel and a must-read for readers who enjoy gripping stories highlighting relevant societal problems.

Jamie Michele

In Between Shadows and Lies by Angela Grey, Hayden Chandler provides a detailed account in diary entries of her family's troubled dynamics, marked by conflict and instability. Her mother's detachment and her father's erratic behavior create a turbulent home environment, further complicated by her sister’s developmental challenges and the frequent arguments that characterize daily life. Hayden's observations extend to her mother’s strained relationships, including with Olivia, a friend dealing with her own hardships. Financial strain and household responsibilities add to the stress, while an abusive incident involving Hayden’s father leads the family to seek temporary refuge. Hayden’s diary captures various events, including a charity event at a racetrack, interactions with Ethan, and reflections on her family’s ongoing struggles, culminating in uncertainty as her father's impending release from a workhouse sentence looms.

Between Shadows and Lies does an excellent job of building tension through both external events and the internal conflict of its protagonist, Hayden. By all accounts, Hayden is a typical teenage girl in a situation that is constantly charged with underlying emotions and unresolved issues beyond standard teen angst. It is beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time and a testament to Angela Grey's skill at symbolism, especially depicting the mother as a victim of violence, and the sister with partial mutism, with Hayden holding the pair together from the middle. The novel is written in an epistolary style, almost entirely as diary entries, telling readers instead of showing them, and containing dialogue, which requires a suspension of disbelief. Still, Hayden's journey is engaging enough to overcome that and she is still a child, something Grey portrays believably, so there is no question we desperately want to root for her—another huge show of the command of craft from Grey as a storyteller. I loved that the hook comes full circle at the conclusion, which is satisfying. Overall, this read kept me thinking past its finale. Recommended.

Michael Pleban

A gripping and emotionally intense young adult novel that tackles difficult themes of alcoholism, domestic violence, and mental illness within a family. The story is told from the perspective of 15-year-old Hayden as she tries to navigate her dysfunctional home life with an abusive, alcoholic father and a mother struggling to hold everything together. Grey does not shy away from depicting the harsh realities and trauma experienced by children in these situations. While the subject matter is heavy, the author balances it with moments of hope and resilience as Hayden and her siblings find ways to cope and support each other. The pacing keeps the reader engaged, building tension as the situation escalates to a dramatic climax. Though difficult to read at times due to the content, this novel provides an unflinching look at serious issues affecting many families and may help readers better understand these complex dynamics. Overall, it's a raw and powerful story of survival in the face of abuse and addiction.

Troy L

Between Shadows and Lies is an extraordinary novel that kept me hooked from start to finish. The author masterfully weaves a story filled with suspense, complex characters, and unexpected twists. The plot is intricately designed, revealing just enough to keep you turning pages while maintaining a sense of mystery throughout. The characters are well-developed and relatable, each with their own flaws and strengths, which makes them feel real and authentic. The writing style is engaging, and the pacing is perfect, never dragging but always leaving you wanting more. This book is not just a story; it's an experience that lingers long after you've read the last page. I highly recommend Between Shadows and Lies to anyone who enjoys a well-crafted thriller with depth and emotion. It's a must-read!

Avid Murder Mystery Reader

This stellar book is a compelling young adult novel that captivates readers with its raw and authentic portrayal of resilience and hope amidst adversity. Inspired by a true story, the novel follows fifteen-year-old Hayden Chandler and her siblings as they navigate a summer fraught with challenges, from hiding from their dangerous father to finding solace in unexpected places. The narrative's depth is enriched by its vivid depiction of Hayden's summer plans—running a 5k, attending an archaeological dig, and competing in boat races— which starkly contrasts with her tumultuous home life. While some may see the story's gritty elements as a negative, they are the novel's greatest strength, offering an honest look at the complexities of family dynamics and the indomitable spirit of youth. The blend of adventure and emotional depth keeps readers engaged, making "Between Shadows and Lies" a must-read for those who appreciate stories of courage and survival.


Angela Grey's "Between Shadows and Lies" is a heart-wrenching portrayal of a young girl's struggle to navigate the complexities of a dysfunctional family. Through Hayden's diary entries, we witness the devastating impact of her father's alcoholism and the emotional toll it takes on her and her siblings.

Grey's writing is raw and unflinching, capturing the confusion, fear, and resilience of a teenager forced to confront the harsh realities of abuse and neglect. The narrative is both gripping and disturbing, as we witness Hayden's gradual loss of innocence and her desperate attempts to protect her younger siblings.

While the story is undeniably powerful, it can also be overwhelming at times. The relentless cycle of violence and dysfunction can leave the reader feeling emotionally drained. However, amidst the darkness, there are also moments of hope and resilience, as Hayden finds solace in her friendships and discovers her own inner strength.

Overall, "Between Shadows and Lies" is a challenging but important read. It sheds light on the often-hidden struggles of children growing up in abusive households and serves as a reminder of the importance of support and understanding for those who have experienced trauma.

Neil D

Between Shadows and Lies is a thrilling and emotional story by Angela Grey that is deeply delved into the wilderness of family dynamics and personal struggles. Engrossing is the story as she draws one into a world full of characters torn by an almost uncontrollable gamut of emotions and making extreme choices. The author's writing style is evocative and vivid, so it is very easy to connect with the characters and feel their pain, fear, and hope. If you care to read a story about resilience and the strength of the human spirit, which makes it possible for one to survive when the only option is hopelessness, this is your book. It is highly recommended for readers of contemporary fiction that tugs at the heart and remains with you, well beyond the final page.

Russell Carpenter

Based on true events, this book really hits you in the gut. It has great characters, descriptions, and a lot of heart. This was a book I got as an advance copy, and I wasn't sure I'd be all that into it since I'm more of a horror book sort of bloke - but man, I'm glad I got this. Very compelling read and I would highly recommend it.

Lina Wesden

Angela Grey's "Between Shadows and Lies" is a captivating tale filled with mystery, intrigue, and unexpected twists. The story skillfully weaves together dark secrets and hidden truths, keeping readers on the edge of their seats. Grey's writing is atmospheric and gripping, making this novel a thrilling read from start to finish. Perfect for fans of suspenseful fiction.


Between Shadow Lies is a fun story which moves along at a fast pace as the reader follows Hayden and her siblings through summer break. As the young protagonist, Hayden encounters many grown-up problems for the first time, as well as trying to maintain her pseudo parenting roll in the family. I enjoyed how each chapter started with her diary entry before diving back into the story.

Gregory W

"Between Shadows and Lies" is a heart-wrenching story of a family's struggle against unimaginable odds. This gripping narrative blends childhood innocence with the harsh realities of abuse, offering a powerful exploration of resilience and hope.

Lula Belle

This is a captivating novel roughly based on a true story. I was drawn in immediately by the complex characters and difficult family dynamics. The juxtaposition of the main character's longing for a normal summer vacation with her tumultuous home life is gripping. A fantastic read that higlights inner strength and the spirit to overcome adversity.

J Wharram (SNR)

Inspired by a true story it centers on three children hiding from their own father and incorporates the complexities of family life and the courage and survival of youthful determination. Well written, the depth of character and location development enhances the reader experience. An excellent portrayal of this true story .

Haku Yokai

Loosely based on a true story, this inspiring tale of struggle despair and triumph is a must-read for any young adult. Also, make a thoughtful gift for any teen.

Mary Duncan

Drawing on a true story, it follows three siblings concealing themselves from their father and interweaves the intricacies of familial relationships with the bravery and tenacity of young minds. Skillfully crafted, the nuanced development of characters and settings augments the reading experience. It's a remarkable depiction of the actual events.

John Spender

"Between Shadows and Lies" by Angela Grey is a gripping young adult novel inspired by a true story. It follows fifteen-year-old Hayden Chandler and her siblings as they navigate a summer filled with danger and unexpected moments of solace. The novel masterfully contrasts Hayden's tumultuous home life with her pursuit of a normal summer, capturing the complexities of family dynamics and the resilience of youth. With its authentic characters and emotional depth, this book is a must-read for anyone who appreciates stories of courage and survival.


is a powerful read that pulls you right in with its raw and real story about four kids hiding from their dangerous dad. It’s intense but also super hard to put down.


This book is a gripping tale inspired by real events, chronicling the harrowing summer of 15-year-old Hayden Chandler and her siblings as they evade their violent father. Amidst a backdrop of summer activities, their lives unravel in a tense struggle for safety and normalcy. Riveting and poignant.