Beyond the Flames

Fiction - Thriller - General
394 Pages
Reviewed on 09/01/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Romuald Dzemo for Readers' Favorite

Beyond the Flames by Gregory Lee Renz delivers a gritty and intense battle for justice in which the disillusioned Fire Captain Lee Garrison and retired Police Captain Brigid O'Brien join forces to take down a ruthless outlaw motorcycle gang terrorizing an African-American family in Milwaukee. Haunted by his demons of PTSD and traumatic experiences from the Vietnam War, Lee is driven by a newfound sense of purpose when he rescues a young girl from a school fire and discovers her sister is being held captive by the notorious Hells Disciples gang. With his explosive temper and cunning combat skills, Lee must navigate the treacherous underworld of the Iron Horse Mafia to free the sister and protect her family. But as they get closer to their goal, they uncover a sinister plot that threatens to destroy the entire community. Enlisting the help of Captain Brigid O'Brien, who has investigated the gang before, he sets out to destroy the gang and save a family. But time and the odds are against them.

Beyond the Flames is an emotionally charged novel that explores the world of firefighting and the personal struggles of those who dedicate their lives to saving others. The story begins with a dramatic rescue mission in 1956, where Lee, then just a young boy, is trapped in a burning house with his best friend Ben. The intense and suspenseful scene sets the tone for the rest of the book, as Lee recounts the events that led him to become a firefighter and the traumatic experiences that shaped his life. The narrative introduces a cast of characters struggling with their demons. There is Merle, Lee's abusive father, who inflicts physical and emotional pain on his family. There is also Betty, Lee's mother, who tries to shield her children from their father's cruelty. The novel explores the complex relationships between these characters and the lasting impact of their experiences on their lives. Gregory Lee Renz’s masterful writing and ingenious storytelling make this narrative unique and utterly captivating. The setting is finely drawn, allowing readers a vivid sense of place and time. From the escalating conflict to the unforgettable characters, this story offers entertainment that fans of thrillers will relish.