Brain Health and Fasting for Men and Women Aged 40 and Over

Ultimate Guide on How to Use Fasting to Improve and Maintain Brain Health for People 40 and Over. Book 2 (Your Health and Fasting)

Non-Fiction - Health - Fitness
212 Pages
Reviewed on 08/21/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Brain health plays a key role in our general well-being and quality of life. As we grow older, we become increasingly susceptible to mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety, brain fog, dementia, etc. In Brain Health and Fasting for Men and Women Aged 40 and Over, Tina Shelton explores the links between gut health and the brain's functioning, focusing on how fasting helps improve brain function and overall mental health. You will learn about the connections between brain health and mental health, how a fasting lifestyle significantly revitalizes your brain, the symptoms of a brain condition, the various fasting models, the benefits of fasting and its effectiveness in combating several mental health disorders and neurological conditions, and more. The book also delves into the different diet practices that help increase brain function and expedite the benefits of fasting.

Brain Health and Fasting for Men and Women Aged 40 and Over focuses on how people can maintain brain health over the age of 40 with practices that include good quality sleep, staying hydrated, meditation and exercise, keeping busy, etc. The book also takes a deep dive into tackling nutrient deficiency that leads to depression and other mental health disorders. Tina Shelton advocates exercising and practicing mindfulness and meditation for brain repair. The author also lists the different types of exercises for brain health repair, including aerobics, strength training, and relaxation exercises for people over 40, 50, and beyond. Additionally, readers will get an actionable plan for a fasting lifestyle they can get started on today. If you're above 40, this is your go-to guide for brain health and overall well-being. Highly recommended!