Brisket's Stinky Appetite

A Pet Dog’s Halloween

Children - Picture Book
51 Pages
Reviewed on 09/12/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne-Marie Reynolds for Readers' Favorite

Brisket's Stinky Appetite: A Pet Dog's Halloween by Fei Zheng-Ward is a fun story for kids. Brisket loves his food, but his food doesn't always love him, and he's very good at producing clouds of smelly gas. It's Halloween, and Mrs. Jones has a treat for Brisket: a spider hat. A lost ring and a torch make the children think there is a monster in the house, and while they are hiding, Brisket takes a chance and steals dinner. Mrs. Jones is furious, but the kids see things differently; could Brisket's stinky problem help them make Halloween a night to remember?

Brisket's Stinky Appetite by Fei Zheng-Ward is a hilarious picture book with some bright, colorful illustrations that pop off the pages and tell a story of their own. This book is bound to have young readers rolling around with laughter at the hapless Brisket's antics and his smelly problem. Unlike many other kids' books, this one doesn't have any life lessons for kids to learn, except maybe to enjoy life! This is just a fun story for kids, a great story for any time of the day. The characters are pretty cool, and I'm sure many kids will have a mom like Mrs. Jones or a pet like Brisket and will be able to relate. I highly recommend this book for all kids, and even adults will enjoy it. If it doesn't make them laugh, it will at least bring a big smile to their faces. It's a great way to start or end the day.