Cancer Moon

How I Survived the Best Years of My Life

Non-Fiction - Memoir
240 Pages
Reviewed on 10/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Cancer Moon: How I Survived the Best Years of My Life is a work of non-fiction by Jenna Tico in the memoir, inspirational writing, and slice-of-life genres. It is best suited to mature readers owing to some strong language and sexual scenes. Readers are invited to enjoy a comedic yet poignant exploration of a millennial performance artist's journey from late bloomer to adulthood, urging twenty-something women to embrace their self-worth, sexuality, and individuality. Through a patchwork of flash-prose, essays, and poetry, Tico shares vulnerable personal stories grouped by the cycles of the moon, chronicling her struggles with self-identity and validation in the superficial world of Santa Barbara, California, and Hollywood's influence. With humor and honesty, Tico validates the experiences of young women navigating relationships and societal pressures, offering a relatable and empowering narrative that encourages self-reflection and healthy life choices without judgment.

Author Jenna Tico has put her heart and soul into crafting a delightful and thought-provoking memoir, filled with candid and humorous storytelling. Her warmth and confidence drew me in from the start, offering a refreshing perspective on the challenges and triumphs of young adulthood in a strong voice with a clear attitude. I found myself nodding along to Tico's observations and reflections, relating to her struggles with self-worth and validation in a world that often prioritizes superficiality. There is a raw, confessional style to some of the most poignant moments that feel as though you are a trusted friend being let into her world. The structure, organized by the cycles of the moon, added an intriguing layer of symbolism and resonance to Tico's narrative, mirroring the ebb and flow of life's experiences. Overall, Cancer Moon is sure to leave readers feeling inspired and empowered to embrace their own journey with humor, self-compassion, and authenticity. I cannot recommend it highly enough.