Carol the Carrot Bowls for the Salad Bowl

Children - Picture Book
32 Pages
Reviewed on 07/30/2024
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Author Biography

Chelsea Chong Kim is a masterful teacher turned best-selling author, known for her inspiring writing and insightful storytelling. With over a decade of experience in education and an array of certifications and degrees, her work, including the popular book "Carol the Carrot Bowls for the Salad Bowl," reflects profound life lessons on friendship, teamwork, and inclusion. She also hosts a unique podcast, where she engages with authors worldwide, offering an in-depth exploration of children's literature that connects a global community of readers and writers. Chelsea's creative flair is evident on her Instagram, where she shares original graphics and ideas. As an educator, she provides valuable advice and motivation through her social media platforms. Beyond her professional pursuits, Chelsea enjoys traveling, bowling, swimming, photography, sampling diverse cuisines, and reading in cozy coffee shops, all of which enrich her storytelling and deepen her connection with her audience.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Cherubimaris Casino for Readers' Favorite

Carol the Carrot Bowls for the Salad Bowl is a children’s book by author Chelsea Chong Kim with illustrations by Michelle Simpson. The story centers on Carol, an ambitious carrot with a passion for bowling. Carol practices every day. When she learns that the Salad Bowling Club is holding tryouts for new team members, she is determined to pursue her dream of joining the team despite the odds stacked against her. The team has never had a carrot member before, and Carol needs to find a partner to enter the competition. Through this journey, she discovers not only a suitable partner but also a treasured friend.

This story is incredibly cute and engaging! The author skillfully weaves themes of perseverance, compassion, and unexpected friendships into a narrative that is both entertaining and educational. Through Carol's journey and her surprising partnership, the story encourages children to look beyond superficial differences and embrace empathy and kindness. The book also addresses complex social issues in an accessible way, helping children navigate challenges such as peer relationships, fitting in, and self-comparison. The vibrant illustrations bring the characters to life, adding depth to the emotional storytelling. Carol the Carrot Bowls for the Salad Bowl is not only adorable but also stands out as a valuable addition to children’s literature, offering important life lessons within a delightful package of animated vegetables and fruits. Promoting both positive mental and physical health, this book is a great addition to classrooms, libraries, and homes with children. I look forward to more from Chelsea Chong Kim!