Charlie's Notes

A Memoir

Non-Fiction - Biography
367 Pages
Reviewed on 09/29/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jamie Michele for Readers' Favorite

Charlie’s Notes: A Memoir by Cherie Kerr chronicles the life of Charlie De Pietro, revealing his journey from a troubled childhood to his later years with his wife, Marge. After marrying Marge in September 1940 against family opposition, they move to New York City, where Charlie expands his musical pursuits. Following the birth of their two daughters, they relocate to Los Angeles, where Charlie transitions from guitar to bass and gains prominence in the Hollywood music scene, performing at private events and interacting with notable stars. The couple faces various challenges, including career instability and health issues, but maintains a supportive relationship. In his later years, Charlie moves in with his daughter Cherie for care, and he passes away peacefully on August 21, surrounded by family and music that reflects his life.

In Charlie's Notes, Cherie Kerr captures the life of Charlie De Pietro, a musician whose journey pulls together through love, aspiration, and the realities of family dynamics. Kerr's writing is simple and straightforward, and I especially liked how she brought me into the world of post-war America, where Charlie's passion for music unfolds. Kerr skillfully breathes life into the couple’s move to New York City, and what a delight it was to read about their mingling with influential musicians. I was most impressed by Charlie's wife Marge, who is somehow able to balance her support for Charlie and his career alongside her own ambitions, plus the raising of a family. Talk about a Wonder Woman! With a keen eye for detail and emotional resonance, the memoir offers a fly-on-the-wall look at the pursuit of dreams and the bonds that endure through life’s trials. Recommended.