Cheecho the Magnificent Magico

Children - Grade 4th-6th
156 Pages
Reviewed on 10/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Emily-Jane Hills Orford for Readers' Favorite

Cheecho’s father has been gone for a long time and Cheecho doesn’t understand why. In Manuel Padilla Jr.’s Cheecho the Magnificent Magico, Cheecho learns that he has some magical powers, he just doesn’t know how to use them. All he wants to do with his magic is find his father and bring him back home. A dare from his friends, Sergio and Sara, brings Cheecho to Mr. Magico’s doorstep and the two develop a bond, one that allows Mr. Magico to recover from his slump as he helps young Cheecho learn how to use his magic and how to find his father. In the quest to find Cheecho’s father, there is adventure and misadventure, magic and mis-magic, and a whole lot of teamwork, or not.

Manuel Padilla Jr.’s early chapter book, Cheecho the Magnificent Magico, is a fantastical read full of fun, adventure, and a lot of magic. Following Cheecho in his quest to reunite his family, the plot moves quickly from one adventure to another. This is a fast-paced story. The characters are well developed through the effective use of believable dialogue and descriptive narrative. The language is simple to help young readers improve their reading skills. This is an excellent story to promote good friendships, solid family values, working hard together, and developing collaborative skills to make things happen. And, of course, there is the magical element and the adventure to attract young readers. Overall, a good story, and an exciting read.