
Chronicles of the Dark Star Child

Fiction - Paranormal
386 Pages
Reviewed on 09/07/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Christina: Chronicles of the Dark Star Child by Wesley Farris is a paranormal novel set against the backdrop of a looming darkness that threatens to engulf the world. A sinister force, born in Nazi Germany, seeks immortality and is now poised to unleash its power. However, hope lies in Christina, a child with the miraculous ability to generate life. She is protected by a man who navigates death through his dreams and another child who can enter minds. Together, they must battle the darkness that seeks to destroy her. Farris has crafted a story that is both haunting and captivating with a lot of interesting twists, taking the typical paranormal concept of a historic, looming darkness into new, original realms by introducing life, death, and dreams to the mix.

I loved the psychological aspects of the tale and I thought these were extremely well-realized and personalized to each character and their own special powers. Wesley Farris’s ability to evoke suspense and tension is clear in the confident pace of the narrative. There’s a keen sense of when to add a more atmospheric description and slow the pace down into a tense, moody scene, and then amp up the sharp description of the action to speed us into the next twist. Farris’s exploration of light versus darkness is both symbolic and thrilling, offering a profound commentary on people and what it means to face the darkest aspects of ourselves. Overall, I would certainly recommend Christina: Chronicles of the Dark Star Child to paranormal fantasy readers everywhere for its interesting, intellectual approach to storytelling and brilliantly paced plot.

Paul Zietsman

Christina: Chronicles of the Dark Star Child by Wesley Farris is a paranormal horror story that is as spooky as it is thrilling. The lead character, Christina, is a young girl with abnormal abilities. Among other fantastic feats, she heals people who should be dead. However, in an unfortunate series of events, she is blamed for a young friend's near-fatal accident. Another gifted youngster, Gregory, can manipulate others' minds, see into the future, and solve intricate puzzles. With an older gentleman who has battled terrible nightmares yet retains the abilities he learns to ward off the evil in his dreams in real life, they come face-to-face with their destinies and a darkness that could consume the world.
Christina reminded me of the psychological thriller Hide and Seek starring Robert de Niro and Dakota Fanning, and if you are a fan of horror stories that send chills down your spine, look no further. There were times while reading this book that I was completely spooked. You have the perfect recipe for an A-class horror story when you pair this with blood and gore that is so exceedingly well depicted that it leaves an indelible imprint on the mind. There are times when the evil portrayed is almost too much to bear, but it is balanced well with the fight put up by the good and wholesome characters. Wesley Farris' Christina: Chronicles of the Dark Star Child is a masterful and thrilling novel that blends mysticism, psychology, religion, and the paranormal into a tale that exudes both terror and elation.

Jamie Michele

Christina by Wesley Farris begins in Nazi Germany where Claus, after facing severe punishment from his stepfather, indirectly causes his brother Willi's death and later kills a Jewish girl in 1938. Himmler and Eichmann engage in brutal activities, while Neid experiences disturbing events, including nightmares and an encounter with a shadowy figure. Neid is later restrained in a psychiatric facility where he tries to reconcile his experiences. Liana inherits land, but a tragic accident involving a child exacerbates her isolation. Investigations into Christina and Gregory reveal extraordinary abilities that lead to federal interest. Neid goes to extreme measures to help another, while military and scientific officials discuss Gregory's predictive abilities. Eichmann engages in a dark ritual seeking power and vitality, aspiring to become a "Shadow Walker" with deathly powers.

One of many things that really stood out to me in this paranormal novel is Wesley Farris's ability to create an immersive, almost textured atmosphere, and use it to either provide a false sense of calm or a calculated elevation of the heart rate to set a scene. One in particular is a near cinematic, serene Hawaiian landscape that lulled me into my happy place, only to have it shaken by the momentary confusion of a pit bull. Farris gradually expands on the supernatural aspects with the restraint that only a skilled writer possesses, starting with subtle hints and building up to a more explicit acknowledgment. I loved the character of Liana, who Farris makes relatable as she juggles having to reconcile an intense love for her daughter and the fear of what Christina might be capable of. The integration of authentic, notorious members of the Nazi SS gives readers a baseline for how horrible they are, to begin with, and amplifies the warfare they embrace beyond their earthly sins. Overall, Christina: Chronicles of the Dark Star Child is a spectacular work and I enjoyed every page of it. Very highly recommended.