Church Dog and the Girl in the Mirror

Children - Christian
48 Pages
Reviewed on 08/06/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne-Marie Reynolds for Readers' Favorite

Church Dog and the Girl in the Mirror is another of Tracy Matte’s Christian adventure stories for kids. Tayja is a happy child and can’t wait for her first day at school. But when she gets home, it’s clear she didn’t enjoy it, and her anxiety gets worse with each day. Church Dog discovers that Tayja is being made fun of and doesn’t believe she’s pretty enough, so he needs to find a way to show her who she really is. Together with his pals, he comes up with a plan to let her see herself as Jesus sees her. Can he succeed? Will Tayja learn to get past the bullying and find her confidence and inner beauty?

Church Dog and the Girl in the Mirror by Tracy Mattes is another great addition to the series, a fun story with serious lessons for children to learn. The story centers on a young girl being bullied and made fun of, a girl who believes she is as ugly as the others say she is. The story teaches kids that real beauty comes from within. It shows them that they should accept themselves for who they are and not listen to the bullies – most bullies are usually unhappy or jealous people who have no self-esteem and think that teasing makes them look good. This story also teaches children that words have the power to hurt but can also heal. The illustrations bring the story to life and shore up the messages behind the words; an excellent book that should be part of every child’s life.