Clara Raven / Under the Stones

The First Two Adventures of Wednesday McIntyre, U. S. Marshall

Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
220 Pages
Reviewed on 06/06/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Clara Raven / Under the Stones: The First Two Adventures of Wednesday McIntyre, U.S. Marshall is penned by author Murray Pura in the historical fiction, interpersonal drama, and action genres. The plot follows Merck ‘Wednesday’ McIntyre, a Great War survivor and new U.S. Marshal during the Roaring Twenties. In Clara Raven, McIntyre navigates the challenges of enforcing Prohibition in Idaho, contending with ruthless bootleggers and corrupt lawmen. With allies Nayara Zubiri and Samantha McCain, he fights to maintain order. In Under the Stones, McIntyre returns to Winston, Idaho, to confront a gang threatening a pharmacy and church. After Jenny Roades’ father is murdered, she seeks vengeance, pushing McIntyre and his posse into a dangerous pursuit for justice.

Author Murray Pura crafts a thrilling dive into the tumultuous and crime-riddled era of the 1920s. The vivid portrayal of Prohibition-era Idaho set against the backdrop of McIntyre's inner conflict and determination was captivating, and I loved the close narrative feel that let us into the protagonist’s psyche. Clara Raven immersed me in the challenges of a marshal trying to uphold a controversial law amidst rampant corruption and violence. The dynamic dialogue in McIntyre’s interactions with Nayara Zubiri and Samantha McCain showed the complexities of trust and alliances in law enforcement. There was a strong sense of character and an immediate connection to our hero and his passion for justice. Transitioning to Under the Stones, the narrative escalated with the introduction of Jenny Roades, whose quest for revenge brought an emotional and intense dimension to the story that was refreshing and shifted the tone nicely. The depiction of the relentless pursuit of justice against a notorious gang kept me on edge with brilliant pacing and inventive twists to keep things fresh. Pura's writing adeptly combines historical context with rich character development, making the combined adventures of Wednesday McIntyre a compelling and memorable read. Overall, Clara Raven / Under the Stones is a must-read double bill for fans of historical fiction packed with action and suspense.

Murray Pura

Great and insightful review. Good depth. Thanks.