Cold Moon

Prequel to the Cursed Heir Series

Fiction - Short Story/Novela
89 Pages
Reviewed on 09/22/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Tanja Jurkovic for Readers' Favorite

Cold Moon: Prequel to the Cursed Heir Series by Corina Douglas maps the beginning of a journey into the unknown, the path paved with intrigue, violent acts, revenge, lies, love, heartbreak, and resilience. Eleanor is a young woman who was abruptly taken from her home at an early age to become the acolyte for the goddess of the Moon, Arianrhod. She has been chosen to perform a rite of the Moon, a ritual of questionable nature that she opposed. It was believed that the ritual would save her people and their way of life for many years to come. As the goddess’s favored acolyte, she is destined to be part of the ceremony to please the deity and to try to regain her freedom, both in life and in love. After a violent act in which she loses everything, Eleanor must survive the fate imposed on her and stay alive in the process.

Corina Douglas’s clear and exciting descriptions perfectly portray the world created in Cold Moon, the characters' goodness and malice, and Eleanor’s undying wish for revenge which she hopes will mend her heart. The scenes in this prequel are detailed, and full of emotion and drama that demonstrate the strength of the storytelling and the significance of the emotional turmoil of the main character. Cold Moon is not for the faint-hearted. It is exciting, steamy in parts, spiritual, and strong in its descriptions of the matters of the heart, which will lure every reader into this story of devotion, revenge, loss, and freedom.