College You

Get Much More Out Of College

Non-Fiction - Education
340 Pages
Reviewed on 08/29/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Courtnee Turner Hoyle for Readers' Favorite

College You: Get Much More Out Of College by Dr. Chiara Bacigalupa discusses obtaining a degree that's applicable in the workforce by guiding you as you select a college, attend classes, and apply for jobs. The book answers common questions but also helps you prepare for a career in any field. The material includes student stories, imparts the five primary purposes for pursuing higher education and common challenges, and how to earn more money with your degree. The author also covers a breakdown of colleges and what each may offer you, why it's important to take classes outside of your major, how to use AI effectively in research and writing papers, and having realistic expectations that will help give you a better experience. As readers learn about the purpose of higher education, the author and her colleagues list key takeaways at the end of each chapter for reflection.

Dr. Chiara Bacigalupa's conversational approach easily relates information that may be overlooked in a more technical book. Teenagers and older adults can use this book as a guide to fully understand what college offers them and the paths they may take with a bachelor's degree. The author and her colleagues have applied six decades of learning to the creation of the book, and there is a wealth of knowledge in its pages. The stories from students will help readers relate to the material and understand the real-world application of it. The appendices list common liberal arts majors with summaries of what you need to know before entering the major and what you may study. I wish this material had been available to me at any point in my journey through my undergraduate degree. Readers who hope to be successful in college and the workforce will benefit from reading College You.

C.R. Hurst

The value of a college education has been questioned more and more lately, mainly due to the rapidly rising costs. Many students and their parents wonder whether such expense will be worth the debt incurred. However, the authors of College You: Get Much More Out Of College – Chiara Bacigalupa, Shelly Albaum, Antonia Bacigalupa Albaum, and Gianna Albaum – argue that a college education remains one of the best ways to ensure not only a well-paying job in the future but also to help students develop the intellectual and emotional maturity needed for a better future. By answering questions such as “Why go to college?” and “What to learn?” and advising on such topics as managing your college work and preparing for life beyond college, the authors create not only a practical guide for prospective college students but also an inspirational one.

As a former educator, I never questioned the value of college education, though I understand why the price tag scares so many students today. The authors, Chiara Bacigalupa et al., experienced college professors themselves, do a wonderful job of anticipating what concerns such students might have about not only the decision to attend college but also addressing some of the common misconceptions about what a college education actually involves. For instance, the authors question the wisdom of pursuing a double major, which is often suggested as a way to make yourself more employable after college. This ability to see and think as a student might see and think is crucial for any educator, college or not. In addition, the authors also present more traditional means of evidence, including statistics and charts in footnotes at the end of the book. If you are looking for a comprehensive and accessible guide to pursuing a college education, look no further than College You.

Foluso Falaye

College You is a resource that explains the many benefits that colleges offer individuals and society as a whole. It is also a detailed guide on how to make the best of the college system. Some of the chapters explain the benefits of attending college and how to choose what to learn. Readers are also taught to read, think, and write better as they work and study for tests. Also, the book helps aspiring students figure out important choices regarding the country they want to study in and to prepare for life after college. Chiara Bacigalupa is highly experienced with several types of higher education institutions. You will not only be learning from instructors but also from students and various successful college graduates.

College You's engrossing elements make reading it a fun, memorable experience. I loved the cartoon animation since these engaging and short observations lightened my mood and emphasized many important tips. Additionally, the smart examples contain brief stories about various notable individuals, including former US President Barack Obama and Southwest Airlines CEO Herb Kelleher. The subjects discussed are varying and will benefit a wide range of readers, including college graduates, aspiring college students, and current college students. As a writer who used to think college was a waste, I was happy to learn that spreading thoughtful ideas is a way of "sharing the light of higher education." Like my former self, many people have a limited view of college that prevents them from tapping into its bountiful blessings. Chiara Bacigalupa and other contributors in College You present engaging, actionable tips for unlocking the many amazing opportunities that colleges offer.

Doreen Chombu

College You by Chiara Bacigalupa is a comprehensive guide that covers all aspects of the college experience and provides valuable guidance on how to maximize it. The book debunks common myths about higher education and offers practical advice on choosing a major, managing priorities, developing skills, and leveraging opportunities. It equips students with the tools needed to succeed academically and professionally both during and after college. It encourages readers to make a difference in their communities, improve themselves, and train their mind muscles. Through personal accounts and engaging discussions, readers will reflect on their own college journey and make the most of their time in higher education. It provides deep insights, surprising truths, and practical examples to help students on their college journey.

College You is a well-written, detailed book that serves as a valuable resource for a diverse range of audiences interested in the complexities surrounding the societal debate on the benefits of pursuing higher education. It sparks a meaningful discussion and promotes a greater understanding of the role of education in one’s life. The book covers often-overlooked topics like cheating, how to write and understand the material, critical thinking, and more modern technology like the role of AI and advanced writing tools. The inclusion of interactive elements like cartoon friends encourages dialogue, making it a collaborative learning journey rather than a traditional lecture. The book is bursting with color, which makes it attractive. Overall, College You is a good read that caters to individuals seeking a deeper understanding of the role of higher education in today's society and how to successfully navigate it.

K.C. Finn

College You: Get Much More Out Of College is a work of non-fiction in the educational, self-improvement, and motivational genres and is suitable for the general young and new adult reading audiences. Penned by author Chiara Bacigalupa, this easy-to-read work is a comprehensive guide for new college students or those considering college, offering practical advice, deep insights, and surprising truths to address students' most pressing concerns. The work covers a wide variety of subjects, including navigating higher education, interacting with faculty, choosing a major, utilizing AI, handling the urge to cheat, and much more.

Author Chiara Bacigalupa utilizes easy-to-access language and a natural, friendly style to craft an enlightening book that provides invaluable guidance for navigating the complexities of college life. There’s a warmth to the narrative that marries well with the confidence that the advice instills, making it feel as though you’re hearing this advice from a wise older mentor, which is ideal for the new adult target audience. I loved the fact that the well-formatted work also featured cartoon characters representing students and discussions between characters and authors, which made the book eye-catching, but also added to the informative and entertaining tone. As I delved into the chapters, I appreciated the book's focus on addressing students' specific concerns and debunking common myths about higher education, as well as the emphasis on using college not only to achieve career success but also to lead happier, more fulfilling lives. Overall, College You offers a roadmap for students to make the most out of their college experience, and I’d certainly recommend it as an empowering read.