Conversations Behind the Kitchen Door

50 American Chefs Chart Today's Food Culture

Non-Fiction - Cooking/Food
318 Pages
Reviewed on 10/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Emily-Jane Hills Orford for Readers' Favorite

We all have our favorite restaurants and we all enjoy certain foods. How many of us consider the work that goes into preparing those foods? This embraces the person who creates a masterpiece for our culinary enjoyment, the years of training undergone to become the best food artist they could be. In the Foreword to Emmanuel Laroche’s book Conversations Behind the Kitchen Door: 50 American Chefs Chart Today's Food Culture, chef and author Elizabeth Falkner writes, “Food does tell the truth about a society.” How we enjoy our food, and how chefs create culinary classics all speak profoundly about who we are and how we fit into this world. Food also teaches respect, at least for the chef, and it should for the connoisseur as well. Chefs must show respect for the produce they use, the food they create, the people they work with, and the customers that they serve. As those who enjoy their creations, we could learn a lot about respect from these food geniuses.

Conversations Behind the Kitchen Door takes segments from Emmanuel Laroche’s podcasts to feature the powerful, creative, and competitive world of working in kitchens. Arguably, it’s more than a kitchen. It’s an artist’s studio where food is the medium and the customer is the critic. The book features anecdotes from some of the nation’s most renowned chefs, including Gabriel Kreuther, Antonio Bachour, Johnny Spero, Elizabeth Falkner, Edward Lee, Jose Garces, and Dan Kluger. Taking the reader through the stories of professionals, the author aims to encourage us to enjoy being in the kitchen and not to be afraid of experimenting with the foods we prepare. Like any other art form, food and the recipes we use and create are only as inspirational as the imagination we allow to take root. Enjoy the stories, follow the journey, and allow your passion to take control of all you make in the kitchen. A fascinating read.