
Non-Fiction - Memoir
253 Pages
Reviewed on 07/22/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Carol Thompson for Readers' Favorite

Copycat is a captivating memoir that takes readers on a journey from the modest streets of East Houston to the opulent realms of Manhattan's Upper East Side. As told with the help of Cristina Adams, Victor Costa's life story is an interesting exploration of how a young boy's fascination with the glamour of 1940s Hollywood films sparked a lifelong passion for haute couture. Costa's journey into the world of fashion began at the tender age of ten, sketching women's clothes. By sixteen, he was already making prom dresses, displaying a talent and drive that would propel him to New York in pursuit of his dreams. The memoir vividly details Costa's early career in bridalwear and his pivotal role at a company known for "line for line" copying of couture designs. Over five decades, Costa made a name for himself as a master copyist, bringing high fashion to the masses at affordable prices.

Told in four parts, Copycat offers an intimate look into Costa's successes and failures. Copycat candidly examines Victor Costa's relationships, including his marriage and subsequent divorce from his high-school sweetheart, and explores relationships with women and men. These personal stories are intertwined with his professional highs and lows, including his successful clothing company's eventual scandal and bankruptcy. Copycat is a must-read for anyone interested in fashion history, the intricacies of the industry, or the journey of a man who turned his Hollywood-inspired dreams into reality. Copycat delivered more than I expected, and I highly recommend it.