Cosmic Strife


Fiction - Science Fiction
515 Pages
Reviewed on 09/30/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Asher Syed for Readers' Favorite

Assault by Steve Gavin is the first book in the science fiction series Cosmic Strife. In it, the Ragner family is well-known within the United Global Navy due to Colyn Ragner's heroism during the failed defense of the alien world Casbaria against the Luyons fifteen years ago, which resulted in his sacrifice for the escape of the human fleet. Colyn's grown children now face their own challenges as the humans prepare to retake Casbaria. Aalin, the eldest and a conflicted senator, battles internally with her anti-war stance against rising pro-war pressures, while Nolan, her brother, strives to succeed in the military despite opposition due to his family's legacy. The youngest, Vance, follows in his father's footsteps as a fighter pilot but risks his career with his rebellious behavior.

Cosmic Strife: Assault delivers a great mix of character-driven storytelling and expansive world-building. As a parent, I thought Vance’s drive being shaped by the heavy legacy of his father was totally believable. Steve Gavin taps into that, especially when he shows the near impossibility of it when his actions clash with his father's reputation. The girl-dad in me loved Aalin, and the way Gavin has her challenging gender norms in a male-dominated political sphere is brilliant. Her arc is the best, with a transformation from uncertainty to confident leadership, like when she is piloting the Apophis, elevating her beyond typical archetypes. Gavin’s diverse world, with multiple factions like the UGN, Luyon, and Drathe, provides a vast playground that we will no doubt see more of in future conflicts. This space opera is worth reading and is a series worth following. Very highly recommended.