Creator of the Stones

The Stone Guild, Book 1

Young Adult - Fantasy - Epic
352 Pages
Reviewed on 07/30/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Creator of the Stones is a work of fiction in the fantasy, epic adventure, and interpersonal drama genres, and is the opening novel of The Stone Guild series. The work is intended for young adult readers. Penned by author J. R. Geraci, in this immersive and engaging adventure, 16-year-old Jaxon becomes the first man to wield the power of the green stone, a magic that could save his brother. Seeking to master this power, Jaxon leaves his kingdom to find a teacher. He meets Quinn, a red stone bearer protecting her best friend, the princess. As murders plague the kingdom, Jaxon and Quinn uncover clues that lead them into increasing danger and reveal secrets that could upend their world.

Author J. R. Geraci knows how to utilize timing and twists to craft an exhilarating journey filled with magic, mystery, and adventure from cover to cover. This is an author who knows the audience and genre very well, beautifully balancing accessible fantasy themes and elements with a keen sense of character and relationships at the heart of the drama. Jaxon's discovery of his unique ability and his determination to save his brother made him a compelling and relatable protagonist, and the close narrative viewpoint allows readers to see and feel his every thought and emotion. His quest for mastery led him to encounter Quinn, whose fierce loyalty and protective nature resulted in a wonderful dynamic between the heroes, their partnership evolving naturally as they faced escalating dangers together. The series of murders and the ensuing investigation kept the plot suspenseful and fast-paced, with each clue deepening the intrigue. The world-building was rich and immersive, painting a vivid picture of a kingdom teetering on the brink of chaos with plenty of interesting details and charming fantasy touches. Overall, Creator of the Stones was a captivating read that left me eagerly anticipating the next installment and I would not hesitate to recommend it.