Cyrus Stone

Hunter of Evil

Fiction - Horror
261 Pages
Reviewed on 10/25/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Alija Turkovic for Readers' Favorite

In Adam Cagley's Cyrus Stone: Hunter of Evil, the main character, Cyrus, resides in an unorthodox town called Gulchy’s Gulch. This castaway town is blissfully unaware that Cyrus is a heroic demon hunter keeping evil at bay. In actuality, the townsfolk underestimate our brave—but somewhat childish—hero. When a new kind of evil waltzes straight into Gulchy’s Gulch, it is up to Cyrus and his trusty sidekicks to put evil back in its rightful place. This new kind of evil takes the form of a mysterious preacher who refers to himself simply as the Shepherd. This sinister charlatan begins prophesying about the end of days and urges the townsfolk to surrender their lives to his religion. Astutely, Cyrus begins to suspect that this preacher is not an ordinary man and that he intends to deceive and endanger his quaint little town. Who is this preacher? What are his real intentions? Above all, can Cyrus stop him in time?

Cyrus Stone: Hunter of Evil is an alluring combination of humor, fantasy, and horror. I love Adam Cagley's unique writing style, especially when it comes to his character-building process. Cyrus is visibly the heart and soul of this novel. He is sarcastic, insightful, and hilarious. Cyrus' witty inner monologues will certainly earn this novel tons of laughter and gold stars. Readers will fall for Cyrus' character appeal from the get-go. Even the foreboding monsters, main villains, and secondary characters are well-written, humorous, and engaging. The setting is another thrilling aspect that stands out in the book. At best, Gulchy’s Gulch can be described as an outdated Western town that surprisingly has a modern-day feel at its core. There is no doubt that Western fantasy fans will fall in love with the imaginative world that awaits them in this book. I highly recommend it.