Death by Distraction

The Purpose and Derailment of Humankind

Non-Fiction - Education
50 Pages
Reviewed on 08/31/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Zahid Sheikh for Readers' Favorite

Death by Distraction: The Purpose and Derailment of Humanity by Ryann Van Tine is a fascinating exploration of how contemporary distractions can derail the actual purpose of humankind. The author engages in a thoughtful study of modern-day society, shedding light on how technology, social media, and social pressures work together to distract us from the essence of real life. The book makes readers think about the issue of distraction and gives an exciting perspective on the possibility of recovery of focus and meaning in a world filled with distractions. Van Tine shows that distractions can manifest in different ways, not only in the form of continuous notifications on our smart devices but also in the ceaseless desire for material possessions and shallow affirmation. Insightfully, the author explains how distractions can yield an empty feeling and disconnection from things that matter.

Ryann Van Tine's Death by Distraction incorporates research, first-hand experience, and philosophical reflections. With insightful arguments and captivating anecdotes, the author clarifies how such distractions cause a loss of purpose and direction. She challenges the ethical dimensions of technology that hack our attention and also reminds us of the need to be more sensitive and informed in light of the tools and technology we use. The author encourages and provides specific tools for handling distractions and getting one's focus back, including setting goals, prioritizing tasks, and practicing mindfulness. The writing style is very straightforward and interesting. I highly recommend Death by Distraction to people who want to get back to concentration, productivity, and a healthy lifestyle in a digital world with many distractions.

Philip Van Heusen

Human beings are incurably curious. In Death by Distraction: The Purpose and Derailment of Humankind, Ryann Van Tine shares the belief that humankind, as well as civilization, is in the middle of a crisis. This crisis involves distraction from the important quest for humankind’s purpose. One characteristic distinguishing humanity from other animals is their ability to think abstractly and consider their mortality. Knowledge of mortality leads to discoveries and advancements in society and civilization. Unfortunately, according to Ryann, this push to advance civilization is in dire need of rebooting because the internet has caused people to be distracted from their important functions that further the advancement of society. Ryann blames the internet as a major factor in this distraction. Ryann also wants humans to be known as Remorians. This book is a collection of Ryann’s philosophical musings.

Have you ever wondered what the purpose of human life is and what distinguishes humanity from the rest of nature? Ryann Van Tine deals with the main distinction between humans and the rest of the animal kingdom. In Death by Distraction, Ryann presents a case for humankind’s function in advancing civilization. This book is not a simple read and will require the reader to stop and think about the proposition the author makes for the internet being the number one distraction from the advancement of society. The internet, especially social media, has stunted the advancement of civilization because of the way it influences people. This book presents an interesting philosophy on the future of society. As you read this book, you will learn more about distraction and how it affects your life and goals.