
Fiction - Dystopia
310 Pages
Reviewed on 10/10/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Deathless by Shayn Fite is a dystopian novel set in a future where humanity clings to survival in fortified supercities after the arrival of The Architect: a mysterious figure who has brought humanity advanced technology but also introduced them to dangerous new enemies known as the apexes. Nearly a century later, Caul Bato, an unusual young man, must team up with his estranged father and a teenage wielder to find an Endar, a being capable of saving the world. Together, they must fight to overcome the apex threat and restore hope to humanity before it’s too late.

Author Shayn Fite has crafted a richly detailed dystopian universe, blending advanced technology with post-apocalyptic elements to introduce readers to a world that feels both excitingly futuristic and brutally primal at the same time. The concept of otherworldly beings brings a fresh take to the science fiction side of the dystopian genre, keeping readers engaged with Fite’s originality and new twists on the classic tropes of finding the one who can save the world. At its core, the novel tells a tender tale of reunion and family difficulties, and the characters are layered and compelling as a result. Fite expertly balances action and character development, building tension throughout the story and keeping readers on edge as they anticipate the next turn in Caul's quest. The quieter moments in between are filled with emotive challenges that help him grow into a more capable young man and a hero readers can really root for. Overall, Deathless is a high-concept and impactful work of post-apocalyptic fiction that I would highly recommend to fans of intelligent and emotionally deep stories.