Deception Station

Rise of the Anunnaki, Book 1

Fiction - Thriller - Conspiracy
356 Pages
Reviewed on 09/06/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Ruffina Oserio for Readers' Favorite

In Deception Station by C.A. Gray, entrepreneur Ethan DeTournay is torn between his desire to solve the clean energy problem and his moral obligation to protect the environment. When Ethan discovers that his ex-girlfriend Elle is working in a rural Mexican community threatened by his mining operation, he knows he can't do it. But Elle's sister reaches out in distress, and Ethan must drop everything to help her. Enter Mitch, an eccentric elderly billionaire with a secret interest in ancient civilizations on Deception Island, Antarctica. Ethan agrees to join Mitch's expedition in search of rare earth minerals, convinced that Elle will join them as their physician. But when they arrive at Deception Station, strange occurrences begin to unfold —a mysterious structure is unearthed, team members experience bizarre visions, and the chairman of the Order of the Global Brotherhood is desperate to find them. As Ethan and Elle dig deeper into the mystery, they uncover a tale that could change human history.

Deception Station, the first book in the Rise of the Anunnaki series, is a well-crafted thriller with an irresistible appeal to conspiracy and adventure fans. C.A. Gray creates a likable protagonist in Ethan, who dreams of becoming part of the esteemed Order of the Global Brotherhood. The mining operation could cause significant harm to a neighboring community so his sense of duty conflicts with his dreams, and he is in a moral dilemma. Other characters, like Elle and the tycoon Mitch, are fully drawn. The author does an impeccable job of creating a mystery. The mining expedition in Antarctica is fraught with danger, and the plot holds readers spellbound. Deception Station is a stellar narrative that will appeal to fans of Robert Ludlum. The superior storytelling, complex characters, and exquisite writing deliver entertainment that keeps the story in the reader’s mind long after turning the last page.