Design of Darkness

The Tides that Reign Book 1

Fiction - Fantasy - Epic
432 Pages
Reviewed on 10/01/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Design of Darkness by R.D. Pires is an epic fantasy that tells the story of twins Arsenio and Mariana, who are left orphaned after King Fogosombre’s violent reign destroys their village. Determined to find help for their people, they embark on a dangerous journey across the Great Ocean. As they face new alliances and threats, the shadowy king delves into dark magic in a bid for eternal power, risking catastrophic consequences for the world. This tale weaves together elements of rebellion, mysticism, and forbidden love in a richly imagined world on the brink of destruction.

Author R.D. Pires creates a vast and immersive world filled with rich lore, diverse cultures, and complex political dynamics, making the universe feel both intimately lived-in and fantastically vast in scope. This helps readers jump into the action and place themselves in the context immediately, straight into Arsenio and Mariana's emotional journey as they evolve from vulnerable orphans into determined heroes. Readers will deeply connect with their motivations and struggles and understand their place in the world. Pires expertly balances high-stakes action with moments of introspection and intrigue, keeping readers engaged through sinister schemes that are complex but never convoluted. The descriptions are absolutely packed with atmosphere from cover to cover. The novel explores profound themes of power, sacrifice, and the cost of resistance, offering both a thrilling fantasy adventure and a thought-provoking reflection on the nature of tyranny and hope. Overall, Design of Darkness is a highly engrossing read that I would certainly recommend to fantasy fans, and I can't wait to see where the series takes us next.

Olga Markova

Design of Darkness: The Tides That Reign (Book 1) by RD Pires transports us to the kingdom of Faron ruled by the cruel King Fogosombre. By the king’s orders, Faron’s village of Corva sum Rio is engulfed in fire. Amidst the chaos and panic as the villagers are fleeing to safety, Mariana Avilla and her twin brother Arsenio lose their mother and sister in the atrocities. Soon after they reach a camp in the woods, they reunite with their father and volunteer to sail to the Nokari Empire to seek help from the Empress in the liberation of Faron from the tyrant king. But the king’s men assassinate their father, and Mariana and Arsenio depart alone. What awaits them on their mission? Will Mariana and Arsenio succeed in bringing help?

Reading Design of Darkness by RD Pires, I enjoyed the atmospheric worlds Mariana and Arsenio visited on their mission to bring help to their country. I liked the interplay of complex elements such as intrigue, magical creatures, murder mystery, same-sex romance, imaginary languages, and complex dilemmas of war and peace. These created an exhilarating, suspenseful, fast-moving, and thought-provoking story. My favorite plot thread revolved around the challenges and dilemmas of ruling a country, and I often found myself drawing parallels with how countries respond to military unrest and pleas for help in the modern world. This brilliant novel offers a nearly cinematographic read and will appeal to adult epic fantasy fans. Graphic violence, gore, and sex episodes make this story unsuitable to sensitive and younger readers.

Demetria Head

Design of Darkness by R.D. Pires is an epic fantasy that plunges readers into a world where oppression and rebellion shape the very fabric of society. Set in a realm ruled by the malevolent King Fogosombre, the story follows twins Arsenio and Mariana, who are left orphaned after their village is decimated by the king’s violent forces. Driven by a prophecy foretelling his downfall, the king’s tyranny knows no bounds, forcing the siblings to embark on a perilous journey across the Great Ocean in search of allies to save their people. Along the way, they encounter emperors, marauders, and mystics, all while discovering forbidden love and mystical powers. As they face trials of courage and endurance, the malevolent king dabbles in dark magic, threatening to plunge the entire world into eternal darkness.

Readers will be captivated by R.D. Pires’ masterful storytelling and richly developed characters. Design of Darkness opens with a gripping scene as Mariana witnesses her village engulfed in flames and her family’s world torn apart. This intense opening sets the tone for a tale that balances action, political intrigue, and emotional depth. The characters, particularly the resilient Mariana and the introspective Arsenio, grow with every challenge they face, offering readers a deeply immersive read. R.D. Pires’ world-building is intricate, layering mysticism, lore, and a tangible sense of danger as the twins navigate foreign lands. This first book in The Tides of Reign series promises an epic adventure filled with heart-pounding action, emotional complexity, and a looming darkness that will leave readers eager for the next installment.