Divisible Man

Eight Ball

Fiction - Thriller - General
422 Pages
Reviewed on 07/07/2024
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Author Biography

Howard Seaborne is the author of the DIVISIBLE MAN series of novels as well as a collection of short stories featuring the same cast of characters. He began writing novels in spiral notebooks at age ten. He began flying airplanes at age sixteen. He is a former flight instructor and commercial charter pilot licensed in single- and multi-engine airplanes as well as helicopters. Today he flies a twin-engine Beechcraft Baron, a single-engine Beechcraft Bonanza, and a Rotorway A-600 Talon experimental helicopter he built from a kit in his garage. He lives with his wife and writes and flies during all four seasons in Wisconsin, never far from Essex County Airport.

    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Eight Ball is a work of fiction in the thriller, espionage, and action subgenres, and is the eighth novel in the Divisible Man series. It is best suited to mature adult readers owing to the presence of moderate violence, adult language throughout, and some non-graphic sexual scenes. Penned by author Howard Seaborne, this new installment sees Will and Andy facing escalating danger as a series of sniper killings grips the nation. Drawn into the FBI investigation by Special Agent Leslie Carson-Pelham, Will must confront how much of his secret he can reveal. The involvement of billionaire Spiro Lewko and a crisis that jeopardizes Andy's career intensify the stakes. As a breakthrough in the case backfires, Will and Andy find themselves targeted by the very forces they aim to assist, leading to a thrilling, heart-pounding sequence of events.

Author Howard Seaborne always knows just how to pitch the tension of his plots to craft an exhilarating thriller filled with suspense and unexpected twists. The dramatic tension of the different plot arcs, with twists and threads that converge between them all and develop the overall spider’s web of intrigue, is superbly well-plotted to keep things interesting throughout. Between Will's need to protect his secret and the pressing demands of the FBI investigation, the introduction of Spiro Lewko and the subsequent threats to Andy's career amplified the stakes, making the characters' struggles feel urgent and personal. The characters were narrated with close attention to their emotions and clever ways of thinking, reassuring you that they were capable of getting out of trouble, even if we couldn’t quite see how yet. The plot's complexity and the intense action scenes created a fast-paced, thrilling read that was hard to put down. I admired Seaborne's ability to weave intricate details into a cohesive, gripping story that will leave readers eagerly anticipating each new development. This commanding new tale offers another captivating and memorable read, highlighting the series' consistent ability to deliver engaging and thought-provoking thrillers. Overall, I would not hesitate to recommend Eight Ball and the series in general to thriller fans everywhere.