Does Anyone Love Me?

A Nature Odyssey for Children

Children - Picture Book
66 Pages
Reviewed on 10/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Shrabastee Chakraborty for Readers' Favorite

Most of us love watching brightly colored butterflies. Yet, do we feel the same toward caterpillars, some of whom might have spines, bristles, or frightening eye spots? Similarly, while we love to cozy up with fur babies like dogs, cats, and rabbits, how do we feel about other four-legged creatures, such as lizards or alligators? Have we ever wondered why some birds have short beaks while others have longer ones? Why does a snail have a shell, but banana slugs do not? How do animals and plants depend on each other? In his picture book, Does Anyone Love Me: A Nature Odyssey for Children, David Dussourd comes up with the answers.

This book is a treasure trove of knowledge, with striking pictures complementing the informative text. I loved how David Dussourd highlighted the diversity found in nature. Be it different groups of plants, the different feeding habits of insects, or different kinds of locomotion found across the animal world, Dussourd uses perfect examples to showcase the variations. The central message is to embrace and cherish the gifts from nature. The eye-catching pictures of numerous plant and animal species, sometimes with adorable children alongside, will instill a love for nature in young readers. The information about the ecological roles of many species will fuel the inquisitive minds of young readers. I appreciated the appendix, in which Dussourd includes simple morphological features to distinguish between potentially harmful and harmless creatures. Does Anyone Love Me: A Nature Odyssey for Children is a perfect guide to help young children enjoy the beauty of the natural world to the fullest.