Don't Expect Me to Cry

Refusing to Let Childhood Sexual Abuse Steal My Life

Non-Fiction - Audiobook
Audio Book
Reviewed on 08/31/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jennie More for Readers' Favorite

Don't Expect Me to Cry by Janet Bentley is a memoir audiobook detailing the author's life and sexual abuse from her father and other men. Bentley provides in-depth descriptions of her traumatic abuse, which includes not only sexual but also physical, emotional, and verbal abuse. When she could not find the normality of a loving family at home and from her father, she sought other avenues, like friends and church. Still, ultimately, these also proved futile, and she was always left feeling unloved and not belonging. Bentley describes her journey toward healing as an ever-present process, and even though it's decades later, she is still on the road to recovery, which is testimony to the fact that overcoming childhood trauma is not something you get over but something you work through daily.

Don't Expect Me to Cry by Janet Bentley is a candid, emotionally charged, and revealing audiobook. Bentley's experience of sexual abuse as a child is unimaginable, especially at the hands of her father, whom she rightfully expected to be her protector. The narrative is filled with raw emotion that comes through in every experience that Bentley shares. Though a lot of healing still lies ahead for Bentley, the book is also a testimony of her courage and the immense healing she has already achieved. Reaching a point to publicly speak of what many abuse victims and society deem the unspeakable requires a great deal of strength, as the revictimization of victims when speaking out is quite common in society. I have never heard such an authentic, honest, and brave testimony. Undoubtedly, this book will provide solace and relief to many victims of abuse as they will be able to relate to the turmoil of emotions that Bentley experienced and continue to experience and become forgiving toward themselves for mistakes they made later in life as a result of the abuse.

Listening to Don't Expect Me to Cry, narrated by the author Janet Bentley, was an eye-opener to the reality of the lives of child sexual abuse victims. It is incomprehensible that it is possible to overcome the trauma, but Bentley, through her narration, makes it appear likely. I loved that Bentley narrated the book herself because hearing the story from the voice of the person who experienced it made it more accurate and authentic. During particularly devastating stories or emotional letters that Bentley shared, I could hear the inflection in her voice showing the lingering pain, but also the immense and inspirational strength. I am impressed by how Bentley's voice remained clear and coherent throughout the narration because this was certainly a difficult story to tell. Still, she made listening to and empathizing with her emotions easy. The sound quality of the audio was exceptional, and Janet held my attention throughout.

Frank Mutuma

Don't Expect Me to Cry by Janet Bentley is a detailed account of her life. The trust between children and adults, especially guardians, is special and should not be broken. Janet was raised in an abusive family. The sexual abuse by her father started as early as four years old. At a very young age, she was forced to play the role of a parent for her younger siblings. There were so many hopes when Catherine became her friend, and she introduced Janet to a church where she could be loved and surrounded by caring people. Not long after, Janet was disappointed, but how can the church perpetuate abuse? To find out more about her marriage, dealing with a diabetic daughter, her battle with mental health issues, and fighting cancer, get a copy of this book.

Don't Expect Me to Cry by Janet Bentley took me through various emotions. I had to hold back tears in some instances. The book was thought-provoking and an eye-opener. It got me thinking about the role of families and society in stopping abuse. Janet also vividly explained all the events and emotions, making the book very relatable. Her story is one of hope and resilience, and I believe it will greatly help those who have faced similar circumstances. I loved the emphasis on getting help, the patience, and the resilience to rise above it all. I look forward to reading something else by Janet and also hope more people will have the courage to come forward, write more, and combat abuse.

The book is narrated by Janet Bentley herself, and she did not disappoint. The sound clarity and voice quality were amazing. Her tone, which was soft and steady, was very welcoming and added to the beauty of the book. She did not just narrate it; she brought the book to life to the advantage of the listener.

Olga Markova

Don't Expect Me to Cry: Refusing to Let Childhood Sexual Abuse Steal My Life by Janet Bentley is an astounding memoir of Janet’s life telling the story of sexual abuse she suffered continuously from her father, his friends, and many others whom she hoped she could trust. It is also a story of Janet’s uphill struggle to create her life and overcome the inhibitions and misgivings planted in her mind by her early life traumas. Janet wrote her memoir chronologically, starting with her childhood and guiding the reader through the lows and highs of her life, introducing her family, friends, and doctors, and talking about their roles and impact on her life. An important part of the story is how Fundamentalist and Mormon churches affected Janet’s upbringing.

Don't Expect Me to Cry by Janet Bentley is a brilliant, praiseworthy work, both in its story-telling quality and social relevance. Janet meant for it to help other sufferers of childhood sexual abuse. I am not a victim of any abuse, but having witnessed my dad’s decades-long struggle with his mental health issues, I found Janet’s story highly relatable. From my standpoint, I think that Janet’s memoir is invaluable for everyone with an interest in mental health. Psychiatrists, nurses, and family members will find a lot of useful information in Janet’s honest and heartfelt feedback on the words and acts of a doctor, a family member, or a nurse. Janet’s emotionally challenging, thought-provoking, and optimistic story lingered in my memory long after I finished listening to it.

The audiobook is narrated by Janet Bentley herself, and I think this is the best choice of narrator Janet could make – her clear and distinct voice, her confident tone, and her well-paced and unemotional storytelling enhance the messages with the power, strength, and courage of a true survivor. The sound quality is excellent, and in only five hours of listening time, Janet has given me as her audience more than I could wish for – the account of the challenges she has been through, her failures and successes, and most importantly, her life-asserting “never give up.” I wholeheartedly thank Janet for her courage, effort, and determination to share her story with the world.