Downtown Milestoneville

Milestoneville Drama Series

Fiction - Drama
317 Pages
Reviewed on 07/17/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Downtown Milestoneville is a work of fiction in the interpersonal drama, slice-of-life, and comedy genres penned by author Golden November. In this new installment of the Milestoneville Drama Series, book hunters G and JBT are on a thrilling quest to track down a rare first edition. This fast-paced tale blends action and adventure, featuring a beloved cast of characters in a new escapade. Known for deadpan humor and sharp dialogue, Golden November masterfully crafts vivid character portraits through conversations, making the story feel like a television show. The novel is another brilliant addition to the series, with perfect settings, incredible characters, and humor that keeps readers entertained.

Author Golden November is always on hand to provide an exhilarating and delightful read that exudes character and charm on every page. The pursuit of the rare first edition by G and JBT provided an engaging central plot filled with twists and turns, but as always, there are plenty of side plots, fascinating characters, and amusing vignettes to dive into that widen the portrayal of an immersive world of adventure. Golden November’s ability to create distinct and memorable characters through dialogue alone is consistently impressive, and the script format is easy to read with each character's unique voice and style brought to life so vividly. The dry humor was perfectly balanced, making the book not only entertaining but also light-hearted and enjoyable, and at this point in this multi-book series, the setting of Milestoneville really feels like a character in itself. The comedic elements provided a refreshing contrast to the action and were well-balanced to shift the mood just when things might get stale. Overall, Downtown Milestoneville is another fun adventure in the series, and it has left me eagerly anticipating the next installment.

Keith Mbuya

Excitement was building up in Milestoneville with the upcoming awards event for Channel 1994. Looking at his fellow nominees, Rodney, an actor on one of the TV shows on Channel 1994, could not think of anyone more fitting than him to take home the Best Actor Award. And so does Bridget. Except, as Sue Ellen, the anticipated host of the event, puts it, she is only winning the award because her father owns the channel. These comments prove to be troubling as they leave Sue Ellen jobless, Channel 1994 painstakingly searching for a potential host in a list of “not potential hosts”, the only list available, and Bridget with an uphill task of proving that she rightfully deserves the award. Who will win the award? Will the event be a success? On the other hand, Sapphire, a book hunter, finds herself in a tight cat-and-mouse chase as a rich disgruntled book owner comes after what Sapphire took from her. Find out how it all goes down in Golden November’s Downtown Milestoneville (Milestoneville Drama Series).

Lovers of urban fiction and drama will not be able to peel their eyes off the pages of Golden November’s Downtown Milestoneville once they flip open this gripping read. Unfolding the intriguing plot using conversations rich with pop culture, November features a huge and fascinating cast. The colorful images and evocative depictions made reading this book feel like watching a Hollywood adventure comedy. Fans of the movie The Lost City will relish this read. The spell-binding plot twists, suspense, adventure, and thrills had me hooked. November adds a tremendous dramatic touch to the scenes, giving the narration a witty backdrop. I could not get enough of the characters working in the shadows and their clumsy plans to rob brokers and book collectors. November harnesses sentiment to the narration, allowing me to experience the cast’s emotions. This made it easy for me to connect with them.

Asher Syed

Downtown Milestoneville by Golden November unfolds with Rodney, a prominent actor, engaging in conversations with Amy and others about colleagues like Grant and Sue Ellen. Meanwhile, Oliver explores the world of poker and book sales, interacting with June and Flower Rose. At a hotel and casino, tensions flare during check-ins, meetings, and gambling escapades involving Oliver, Ken, and Gerald. The story takes unexpected turns with Sue Ellen's firing, a book theft, and the all-important, highly dramatic awards show. Still, Milestoneville has more in store. Through further comedic moments and intense negotiations, snowstorms, and helicopter pursuits, characters like Jana, Sapphire, Liz, and Paul navigate their own challenges and pursuits, culminating in the ultimate “the show must go on” performance.

As with all of Golden November's other books, Downtown Milestoneville is formatted as dialogue only and intended to be acted out as a script, with full color photo prompts filling in where descriptions would normally sit. November excels in creating distinct characters with unique voices and interactions, the best of which here is the banter between Oliver and Jana, who have wildly contrasting personalities. Oliver's frantic search for his "buék" (book) is hilarious. The multifaceted plots lean into themes of ambition, friendship, rivalry, and perseverance, but they can also be a little touching. By way of Rodney's journey from doubt to acceptance as Jump It Man and Heather's determination as Nail Girl, November shows a more human side of characters that are supremely over the top, namely when a speech expresses gratitude and love. We had massive amounts of fun with Downtown Milestoneville and look forward to more great drama.