Echoes of the Arcane

A Collection of Short Fiction

Fiction - Anthology
181 Pages
Reviewed on 10/24/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Echoes of the Arcane is an eclectic collection of short stories and poetry by Cody D. Campbell. After years, a young woman revisits the previously quarantined woods near her grandparents' home and discovers that people have yet to learn from past mistakes. When people inexplicably lose their ability to see the color blue, a teenager grows up reminiscing about the world as it was, like everyone around him, until someone comes into his life and gives him a new perspective. A man equates the tumultuous events in his life to facing a pack of predatory wolves. Plagued by guilt over the death of his lover, an artist wakes up from a terrible nightmare with a new resolve. A dream catcher tries to protect a young boy from his nightmares while his parents go through a divorce.

Cody D. Campbell presents short story lovers with a diverse collection of tales in different genres, including science fiction and fantasy, alongside some mesmerizing complementary poetry. The stories in Echoes of the Arcane are tragic, poignant, and sometimes heartbreaking. They move you in ways that you never see coming. Almost all of Campbell's characters face different kinds of adverse situations, and something happens to them that changes the course of their lives. Each story offers readers a fresh perspective on human behavior and the human experience in general. Campbell also excels in seamlessly traversing different kinds of genres, from one story to the other, using their distinct elements to enhance the narrative and craft an enthralling anthology. This book is a must-read for all short story readers. I thoroughly enjoyed it and can't recommend it highly enough.