End Of The Road

Political-Economic Catastrophe from Fiat, Debt, Inflation Targeting and Inequality

Non-Fiction - Business/Finance
192 Pages
Reviewed on 06/28/2024
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Author Biography

The Author, Louis Holder, worked entirely in the private sector. After completing his tertiary education with concentration in Economics, he was employed by a large New York electric & gas utility attaining the position of Manager of Rates. This position would necessarily focus on microeconomics and during his employ there, he introduced a novel pricing concept at the time, Real Time Pricing. Real Time Pricing is the most efficient use of the price signal to induce appropriate responses to the demand for electricity.

Thereafter, Mr. Holder provided financial consulting services to a large industrial company and chaired manufacturing, renewable energy, and broadband companies. He considers his philosophy for managing economies to be guided by a free-market approach characterized by low regulatory interventions for purposes of safety, social cohesion, and prevention of rent-seeking and corporate concentrations. To the extent that some may be disadvantaged or favored by free markets, he advocates providing basic income support to the former and heavy taxing of the surpluses of the latter.

Although the primary aim of writing is to express an opinion that our political economy is on a destructive path having assumed a short-term focus to wealth creation at the cost of long-term destruction, it is written more as an accessible supplement to formal learning, and particularly suited to students or anyone learning about Geopolitics and Macroeconomics. Accordingly, the language is very straightforward for easy comprehension despite covering macroeconomic concepts and issues, and without the jargon that can be most baffling to the uninitiated.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Jamie Michele for Readers' Favorite

Louis Holder's End of the Road is a comprehensive survey of economic theories and policies, spanning from Adam Smith's advocacy of free markets to contemporary debates on inflation targeting and income inequality. Holder critiques various economic systems and governmental actions, and their impacts on wealth distribution and societal welfare. He scrutinizes trends such as technological disruption in industries and demographic shifts in the labor force, leaning into implications for employment and economic stability. He speaks on the role of central banks like the Federal Reserve in managing monetary policy and addressing financial crises, spotlighting their influence on global economic dynamics. Holder's analysis extends to areas including fiscal policies, debt management strategies, and the sustainability of current economic practices, urging reforms to address systemic challenges and promote equitable growth.

“Debt is the Achilles heel of any economy...” End of the Road by Louis Holder stands out in a crowded economic field by offering a comprehensive and critical analysis of key economic components, revealing the hidden consequences of policy decisions, and providing valuable historical context to understand current economic challenges and potential future impacts. Holder does what my daughter would call “keeping the receipts” by presenting facts to support every argument he makes. For example, he comes to the table on income and wealth inequality using the Gini coefficient and provides a quantitative measure of economic disparity, which is crucial for policy discussions. I most appreciate that Holder isn't afraid to stand behind the realities of how we got here and what has to be done to change it, even if it's controversial, such as the huge economic costs associated with climate change and proactive measures to mitigate these effects, including population control. The work is sound, accessible, and written in an intelligent, academic voice without being cumbersome. Very highly recommended.

Frank Mutuma

End of the Road by Louis Holder discusses the state of the economies of many developed countries and how we got there. Many of the interventions claimed to be the solution only delay the inevitable, leaving future generations with untold burdens. Things like adopting monetary central planning have turned Western economies into those of former Eastern bloc countries that practiced economic central planning, and we all know how that ended. Indicators like the Wealth Gini Coefficient are used by wealthy nations to show rising inequalities and gaps between the rich and the poor. What are the problems caused by overpopulation, and how have uncontrolled debt levels contributed to the mess we are in? 

I didn't realize how much trouble we are in until I read End of the Road by Louis Holder. There is a smoke screen, and many people don't realize the intensity of the situation. I loved how the book provides an in-depth analysis of not just the situation we are in but also various economic concepts and theories in a way that even those who don't have a background in economics can understand. This makes the book very effective in passing on the intended message. It is also thought-provoking on other issues such as the effectiveness of our political system, media bias, and the negative impacts of fiat currency. The author also went the extra mile to provide references to other resources, making this book a stepping stone for anyone who wants to do extra research on the issues. This is a great book, and I am looking forward to reading something else by Louis Holder.

K.C. Finn

End of the Road: Political-Economic Catastrophe from Fiat, Debt, Inflation Targeting and Inequality is a work of non-fiction in the business advice, economic writing, and political genres. Penned by author Louis Holder, this interesting work examines the mismanagement of Western economies driven by political power pursuits. It argues that this mismanagement has led to economic devastation that future generations will endure. The book critiques asset bubbles, protectionist policies, and excessive debt, tracing these issues back to the abandonment of the gold standard in 1971. Holder asserts that the current economic model, driven by fiat currencies and political motives, is unsustainable. The author passionately proposes radical changes to avert further catastrophe.

Louis Holder utilizes research, reasoning, and well-founded concern to craft this thought-provoking read. Holder’s detailed critique of Western economies reveals the deep-rooted issues stemming from decades of political and economic mismanagement. The work is written with confidence and a clear focus on the pertinent issues without ever wandering too far from the point into opinion or conjecture. The historical perspective is well-considered with accessible context for those less familiar with Western economic history, and it provides a compelling context for the current economic challenges with clear comparisons and tracking of developmental problems. The stark portrayal of the impending crisis, with future generations bearing the brunt of today's decisions, invokes a sense of urgency and concern that modern scholars and students of economics will feel deeply. Holder's argument is organized to develop strong foundations that build as the book progresses, and the work is well laid out to be able to refer back to key points with ease. Overall, End of the Road is a recommended read for those seeking new ideas on a sustainable and equitable economic future.