End Times

According to Scripture

Christian - Devotion/Study
168 Pages
Reviewed on 08/05/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Leonard Smuts for Readers' Favorite

The question of the end of days has been the subject of debate for millennia by both Christians and those of other faiths. A significant and graphic description is contained in the New Testament book of Revelation, but it does not begin or end there. The book of Revelation is filled with symbology and can be difficult to interpret. In his work End Times, Charles Pallaghy goes much deeper. Writing from a Christian perspective, he examines numerous texts from the Old Testament that support his view that a holistic understanding of the information contained in the Bible is necessary to interpret the complex messages that are recorded. The author matches Old Testament prophecy with New Testament teachings to provide both clarity and insight. He maintains that God’s word is specific and that judgment is contrasted with mercy. The book includes some interesting tables of timelines that give a fresh context to our understanding of events that started to unfold thousands of years ago. The concept of time and our perception of it are blurred by possible errors in our historical understanding of it. The significance of the numbers 7, 5, and 10 feature prominently, along with an explanation for what constitutes a biblical day or era.

Charles Pallaghy has conducted extensive research into his subject matter, adding personal experiences and the views of like-minded authorities to provide a new and comprehensive guide to the scriptural background of what has gone before and what is to come. It would serve readers to have a Bible handy when reading this book as the author quotes passages that may not be familiar, even to Christians. That is one of the points he makes as many Christians have simply given up trying to understand the book of Revelation, relying on their faith to assure salvation. Pallaghy points out that there are no guarantees and that faith must be embodied and lived. This book comes as a stern reminder to Christians and indeed the churches themselves to get their houses in order. There is another warning concerning false prophets. Christians will be confronted with choices, and are advised to align themselves with the scriptures. Both Christians and many other religions believe that the end times are imminent. Preparation is thus both essential and urgent. The views expressed may not find favor with all Christians, but this thought-provoking book cannot be ignored and should be read with an open mind. No date is given for the end times, and we can only await developments. This is an interesting read that will appeal to a mainly Christian audience.