Enli's Impossible Quest

The Careworn Soul, Book 1

Young Adult - Fantasy - Epic
321 Pages
Reviewed on 09/13/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Demetria Head for Readers' Favorite

Enli's Impossible Quest by P.L. Kenna is the first book in The Careworn Soul series, an epic YA fantasy centered on sixteen-year-old Enli, a determined but undersized village guard in the farming community of Athol. Raised collectively by the villagers after being found as a baby, Enli is plagued by dreams filled with mysterious light and voices. As she patrols her village and grapples with questions about her identity, she learns of her strange origins through the village’s utility mage, Gummon. Her journey unfolds into an adventure that challenges her understanding of herself, her community, and the larger world, leading her on a quest tied to ancient forces. Enli's Impossible Quest offers readers an enchanting start to what promises to be a captivating fantasy series.

Enli is a relatable and endearing protagonist, and her internal struggle with her size and identity makes for an engaging coming-of-age narrative. Her daily patrols may seem mundane at first glance, but they build her character as practical, resourceful, and deeply connected to the land and its people. The magic system, as hinted through characters like Gummon, the village utility mage, adds a fascinating layer to the story. Magic in Athol is subtle yet meaningful, and P.L. Kenna teases readers with intriguing questions about Enli’s mysterious origins and her potential connection to something much larger. The detailed worldbuilding, particularly the beautifully illustrated map of the kingdom of Gh’Mia, enhances the read, adding a layer of immersion. The map is a wonderful addition that helps readers visualize the world, grounding them in the geography of this intricate fantasy land. Kenna strikes a fine balance between moments of introspection and action, and the mystery surrounding Enli’s dreams is compelling, hinting at larger, powerful forces. Fans of richly developed fantasy worlds and character-driven adventures will find much to love here.