
Fiction - Dystopia
256 Pages
Reviewed on 09/22/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jennifer Donovan for Readers' Favorite

Erasures by Omar Imady is a dystopian novel set in the year 2049. Following a world war in which billions of people died and resources became scarce, the remaining population finds peace in predictability. Everything is measured, everything can be predicted, and everything is digitized. Ray Blankenship is the supervisor of a group that scans all surviving books to preserve them digitally. However, when a subordinate alerts him to a section of verse within a religious text that will not scan, no matter what scanner he uses, this anomaly is just the tip of the iceberg. As more and more texts become resistant to scanning or disappear into the digital sphere, a team is rapidly assembled to identify the cause while preserving the physical primary source texts.

Erasures is not a book to read when you are seeking a quick escape. This is the book you read when you want to fully immerse yourself in a new world, where the words on the page enliven all your senses. Omar Imady has crafted a masterpiece with his eloquent prose. Even lengthy descriptions that give insight into what changes have occurred in society since the common era are written so beautifully that you will smell the subtle scents in the air and be able to visualize the setting completely. Reflecting on the state of our world through the lens of this novel is sobering, but it will leave you feeling euphoric as you reach the end. Erasures is not just a story. It is a sensory experience, one that is sure to linger in your memory long after reading it.