Ezra the Elevator's Challenging Climb

Children - Grade K-3rd
40 Pages
Reviewed on 10/05/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Ibrahim Aslan for Readers' Favorite

Ezra the Elevator's Challenging Climb, by Michael Booker and Erica Booker, is a beautiful children's book demonstrating the importance of inner strength and positive reinforcement when confronting life's challenges. Today is Ezra the Elevator's first day of service. He has a positive attitude and heartily greets everyone who passes his way. Mr. Rabbit, a repairman, needs to do maintenance work throughout the building and requires Ezra's help to transport him to the different building floors to complete his work. Ezra is very eager to help. Things are moving along smoothly, and the task is getting done. Unfortunately, as Ezra and Mr. Rabbit ascend even higher, Ezra's fear of heights prevails. But Mr. Rabbit is very patient and understanding with his friend. Mr. Rabbit shares some reassuring words with Ezra. Did they work? Read this inspirational story to find out.

Michael Booker and Erica Booker are gifted children's writers who creatively use their books to address crucial topics like low self-esteem, building confidence, overcoming fear and anxiety, developing sincere friendships, and offering unconditional emotional support. I love that despite Ezra's fear of heights, Mr. Rabbit is reassuring and patient with Ezra while he confronts his fears. This book will reassure children that they too can overcome their fears and be patient and supportive friends who help others confront theirs. Ezra the Elevator's Challenging Climb is an accessible, heartwarming, and fun read. Sebastian Alvatorre fills the pages with warm, engaging, and demonstrative illustrations that appropriately complement the storyline. I highly recommend this children's book to young readers--and their families--who struggle with childhood anxiety and fear-related concerns.