Fairies of Death

Romance - Paranormal
286 Pages
Reviewed on 05/21/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Stephanie Chapman for Readers' Favorite

Victoria Liiv’s Fairies of Death is a fantasy story featuring Isay’s time in Vindica. Isay isn't happy about her mother marrying the King of the Death Fae. While King Grath had forbidden anyone from taking Isay’s life force, she refused to take risks. Death Fae only had to touch a mortal to absorb their ecos, resulting in death. The morning after embarrassing herself at her mother's reception, Isay accidentally brushes hands with a maid in the kitchen. Karmuth snatches the arm of the maid after seeing Isay's life force drained. Two days later, Karmuth executes the maid. King Grath presents her with a ring that will prevent anyone from draining her life force. He then assigns a group of five guards to accompany her. Karmuth’s affinity for Isay doesn’t go unnoticed, and he finds the new princess draws trouble for her guards.

Victoria Liiv gives a slow-burn fantasy romance a unique twist with Isay and Karmuth. Isay supports life, while Karmuth supports death. I found it endearing how Karmuth tried to help Isay acclimate to living among the Death Fae. His devotion to Isay places him in questionable situations, which are noticed by several other Fae. The unpredictable twists in the plot kept the action interesting. The alternating perspectives between Isay and Karmuth showed their inner turmoil. I agreed with Karmuth and Isay that her mother wasn’t considerate of Isay’s feelings. King Grath appeared more sympathetic, but another twist made me question that thought. The changes in supporting character behavior kept me engaged, and the vivid details of their actions matched each personality well. The ending offers an opening for a future sequel, which I am eager to read. Fairies of Death will appeal to fantasy romance readers who enjoy stories full of action and a headstrong princess.